advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership tutor2u

All operations, methods, processes and delegations are decided by the autocratic leader and only by him. One of the primary characteristics of autocratic leadership is a clearly defined chain of command. The procedures and rules might seem rigid. It is one of the best. The Disadvantages of Impulsive Management, Management Styles That Elevate vs. Devalue Employees. But, the results always lead to corporate success. Autocratic leadership eliminates this issue because the command goes straight to the workers involved. Your email address will not be published. Here are the top advantages of autocratic leadership: Faster Decision-making This leadership style enables quick decision-making, which is one of the most significant benefits of autocratic leadership. Many analysists also argue that this style usually leads to an absence of creative solutions to problems, which may ultimately hurt the group efforts. All rights reserved LCHW. There are high levels of frustration often found in an autocratic environment, even if workers are inexperienced. Definition, Principles, Techniques, and Pros/Cons. In most autocratic leadership structures, the leader is responsible for every action of the team. List of the Advantages of Autocratic Leadership 1. If the leader offers questionable ethics, however, and refuses to create fairness, then there is no one who can really hold that person accountable. Over time, this makes employee morale begin to sink. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. This system leaves the employees stress-free. Subordinates tend to shirk responsibility and initiative. That means a decision is made on the timetable of the leader and no one else. Although in authoritarian leadership, there is one-way communication there also exists effective communication. Autocratic leaders generally believe that they are the smartest people around and know more than their subordinates. Employees, in turn, learn discipline and consistency from their leader. Autocratic leadership always encourages one-way communication to eliminate this problem. Autocratic leaders rely on specific rules, policies, and procedures to govern all processes within the workplace. 7. Motivation and reward for leaders: It provides strong motivation and reward for the leader. That consistency leads toward corporate success. Leader Dependence. Such leaders usually make decisions based on their own judgment and ideas. Characteristics of autocratic leadership include: According to St. Thomas University, few famous autocratic leadership examples include: Like all other leadership styles, autocratic leadership has its advantages as well as its drawbacks. They, therefore, make all the strategic decisions without any or extremely little inputs from the people who work under them. It is a leadership style that can be applied in three different ways. Such a group process usually, takes a longer time to come to decision. In addition, the leaders directly communicate to their followers where the work is to be done. It is a leadership style that is based on a lack of trust. Advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership style. Leaders do not concern about whether or not subordinates are satisfied with their actions and instructions. Because autocratic leaders are able to move information throughout an organization quickly, there are fewer delays in productivity. LS23 6AD Autocratic leaders take the pressure off of their teams because they are fully responsible for the decisions that are made. 4. Faster decision-making is the key to attaining organizational goals. The first involves the work that gets done. This is one of the autocratic leader strengths and weaknesses that is highly dependent on the workplace environment. If there isnt enough time to develop personal skills or learn something new, then autocratic leaders are still able to get the job done. Autocratic leaders cant make trust a priority because they are forced to make the rules be the priority. That means there is a priority on consistency, with each team member performing their job functions in a similar way. According to Attner and Plunkett (1994) managers who use the autocratic leadership style do not share decision-making authority with their subordinates. But, what is autocratic leadership? These. Explore Harappa Diaries to learn more about topics such as Advantages Of Autocratic Leadership, Difference Between Leaders And Dictators, Contingency Theory Of Leadership and Develop Good Leadership Qualities to advance in your career. From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors, 11 Autocratic Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages, Leaders Eat Last Speed Summary: 15 Core Principles, Extreme Ownership Speed Summary (3 Minutes) w/ PDF, Good to Great Speed Summary: 15 Core Principles of, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors. Now that weve discussed several advantages of the autocratic leadership style, here come some disadvantages: One of the biggest disadvantages of exercising autocratic leadership is that it can result in low employee morale. An autocratic leader focuses less on collecting input from team members and tends to make executive decisions that others are expected to follow. It improves productivity. Autocratic leaders tend to do well in these settings because they ensure that projects are finished on time and that workers follow safety rules to prevent accidents and injuries. List of Advantages of Autocracy Government 1. What is the cons of autocratic leadership? If team members are unfamiliar with the process or tasks, leaders are better off taking a more hands-on approach. Analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the autocratic leadership style by examining examples of leaders and companies. There are numerous autocratic leadership strengths and weaknesses and sometimes, a characteristic thats a strength in one scenario is a weakness in another. As only the leader makes decisions, the management may or may not provide feedback. Here are the key advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership to consider. When an autocratic leadership style is used in these situations, then the control the policies and procedures provide encourage a deeper commitment to safety. Most of the time Mr. Worth was absent from the rest of the employees, he communicated through his assistant. VAT reg no 816865400. But rarely do employees know that there are several benefits of autocratic leadership. 8. In high-pressure, high-stakes situations like buying and selling real estate, an autocratic leader who has the knowledge necessary to make profitable choices can be a companys greatest asset. Because of one-way communication and lack of recognition employees do not get the answers to the questions they deserve. If yes, then the best way to manage such teams is through autocratic leadership. What makes a good leader or manager? Autocratic leaders are like the captain of the ship. The idea here is that with a centralised control, giving guidance and direction to employees is relatively easy. Disadvantages. Workers are forced to rely on the autocratic leader for all their feedback, instructions, and work duties. This lack of adaptability within your workforce can . This is because they do not consult any other members of their team, so they dont have to wait for other opinions or work through different perspectives to find an appropriate compromise. Boston House, Management & Leadership Styles | Autocratic, Democratic, Paternalistic, Laissez- Faire and More Two Teachers 16K subscribers Subscribe 224 Share Save 27K views 3 years ago Business Studies Videos. In some situations, this leadership . The leader defines goals and the limitations for action and then leaves the remaining process. Disadvantages of Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership. Each person benefits from the regulated competencies that are offered by the leader. They may also feel that the leadership does not care about their needs and desires which is unproductive for organisations. An autocratic leader is well-equipped to deal with a crisis situation. If that leader goes away, then the team is unable to function because they were focused on their role. There is no doubt that laissez-faire can bring significant disadvantages to an organisation - especially where conditions are not conducive to such a liberal style of management. send our content editing team a message here, 11 Office Closed Due to Inclement Weather Messages, 50 Most Asked Nursing Interview Questions with Answers, 20 Best Answers to Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job, 10 Best Answers to Why Do You Want to Be a Manager, 11 Best Answers to What Does Leadership Mean to You Interview Question, 50 Most Asked Front Desk Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Ways to Answer Sell Me This Pen in an Interview, 10 Most Asked Integrity Interview Questions with Answers, 25 Most Asked Confidentiality Interview Questions with Answers, 50 Most Asked Phone Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Answers to What Are Your Interests and Hobbies. Downsides of Autocratic Leadership While autocratic leadership can be beneficial at times, there are also many instances where this leadership style can be problematic. autocratic leadership advantages and disadvantages? Benefits of autocratic leadership Here are some of the pros of an autocratic leadership approach. These types of leaders are known as democratic leaders and laissez-faire leaders, respectively. Business, sports, politics, and many other fields have witnessed a great number of autocratic leaders throughout the history. They know themselves very well and try to bring people together to achieve the organisational goals. Every leadership style comes with some benefits and weaknesses. Autocratic leadership, however, has. for the employees, too. When a team leaders style can be summarized with my way or the highway, that leader can accurately be called an autocrat. That means the partnerships formed by the workers are with the rules, not with people, and that helps to drive down morale over time. And when it comes to long-term issues, autocratic leaders know how to direct traffic through the hierarchies. All the standard operating procedures are also followed. Autocratic leaders dont deal with the hassle of multiple leadership levels. As such, it becomes the right choice for employees who thrive when they are told what to do. The lack of flexibility in environments headed by autocratic leaders can drive creative and motivated employees away. Disadvantages. In autocratic organizations, there are clearly defined tasks, roles, rules, and deadlines to follow. Full potential of subordinates and their creative ideas are not utilized. Within autocratic structures, there may not be anyone who has the authority to make a rogue leader accountable to the company to stop their behavior. Do you have to be born with the correct qualities or can you be taught to be a good leader? An autocratic leader is the sole authority in her company, on her team or at the head of the group she is tasked with leading. They wont get blamed if it fails and they wont get credit if it succeeds. An autocratic. Did you know that autocratic leadership is great when it comes to handling crises? List of the Disadvantages of a Democratic Leadership Style. There are a number of vital benefits to autocratic leadership, according to the Houston Chronicle. Moreover, the instructions will go straight to the employees. Under this type of leadership style there is no delay as the decision rests with a single authority and in times of crunch situation where a quick decision is needed . Autocratic leadership is one-directional, top-down leadership. Also, graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University with a BA in Business & Management Studies and completed a DTLLS (Diploma in Teaching in the Life-Long Learning Sector) from London South Bank University. Inexperienced employees need a detailed layout and instructions to complete taskstraits an autocratic leader is known for. They can easily manage these issues because they're the only ones who get to call the shots. That means leaders using this style tend to be busier than other leaders. This system leaves the employees stress-free. They can switch back to a more delegative approach as team members gain more experience. Authoritative leaders are most consistent in their approaches and systems. When the autocratic leadership style is used with an inexperienced team, the experience of the leader can replace the skill gap that is present. However, there are some advantages of autocratic leadership as well. The leader is the only one who is in charge of the situation. Among all the recognized autocratic leadership strengths and weaknesses, perhaps one of the most prominent is that this leadership style can cause employees to resent their leader and even their organization. Leaders must assume that their workers are not performing as they should, which requires their direct supervision to ensure results happen. As with other leadership styles, there are autocratic leadership advantages and disadvantages that can have a significant impact on a leader's employees . Autocratic leadership always encourages one-way communication to eliminate this problem. Even workers who like to explore creative solutions dont mind an autocratic leader when they are allowed to pitch new ideas or offer an alternative decision based on their personal experience. They arent required to wait for the feedback from senior managers or consult with a leadership team. Moreover, they also like to enjoy the credit for the projects success, leaving the employees disheartened. After all, this is what good leadership is all about. Every crisis or decision lies on their shoulders. That means the personal morality of the leader becomes the corporate reality of the business. By the time the information reaches the front-line employees doing most of the work, the entire original message could be lost. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some of the more common styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. Each person involved in autocratic organizations knows their position and role in achieving the desired target. The leader will need to create the system, with all the rules and procedures, in which the team uses to operate and reach goals. That means workers tend to not take ownership of the work they do because there is no incentive to do so. The work culture is based solely on the ethics and morality of the leader, which means a poor working environment is not likely to change. Definition and Pros/Cons, Demings 14 Points For Quality Management [Explained], What is Deming Management? Some are strict with their staff and like to be in complete control, whilst others are more relaxed and allow workers the freedom to run their own working lives (just like the different approaches you may see in teachers!). Professionals operating under this leadership can have lower confidence and slower decision-making skills. Managers must be willing to encourage leadership skills in subordinates. When a leader is asked to operate in an authoritarian manner, it is difficult to turn that role on and off on-demand. Your email address will not be published. They get to take all the credit for the work that gets done. These were the autocratic leadership style advantages and disadvantages. With little or no input by their subordinates, autocratic leaders are free to make decisions, define policies and direct work wherever they feel is most effective. Moreover, the instructions will go straight to the employees. Likewise, it is also very useful when organisations face constant change or a crisis. But, the results always lead to corporate success. The first and foremost advantage of this type of leadership style is that it helps the company in making a quick decision as the decision is centralized with the leader. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages to consider with the autocratic leadership style. However, excess control can also result in low employee morale and employee engagement. Since organisation is key to a well-operated business, autocratic leadership can prove useful in situations where the organisation could advance within the company. Essentially, no one will be confused about the direction of a company or even the specific assignment they are working on. When there are multiple levels of leadership within an organization, a command from the top becomes like a childhood game of Telephone. An autocratic leader is not wishy-washy or passive aggressive; an autocratic leader makes expectations and the consequences for not meeting them clear from the outset. 1. 3. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! A team can become so dependent upon the leader that they stop functioning when their directions are no longer present. Removes employee stress. Subordinates are expected to comply with orders from their supervisors, who in turn are expected to comply with orders from their superiors. The idea here is that with a centralised control, giving guidance and direction to employees is relatively easy. Managers with this type of leadership style, keep a close eye on what is happening in their organisations. Through, stats reveal that 78% of the employees want to quit their jobs due to lack of recognition. Faster Decision-making Proponents of this government form claim that having one ruler or person to decide on matters concerning a nation and without distractions and influences of others make it easier for the leader to make sound decisions he or she thinks works for the interest of the country. The ultimate democratic system occurs when decisions are made based on the majority view of all workers. Both issues decrease worker morale and put blame on someone, even though the issue may not be their fault. Because the leaders opinion is the only opinion that matters in terms of strategic planning and decision-making, employees can feel frustrated that they cannot work in ways that suit them. If they face a decision in the work they are doing, they are almost forced to go to the leader for advice on what to do instead of making the decision on their own. Autocratic leaders ignore the skills of competent workers. You can be an authentic leader; you constantly grow and betters yourself. But, what is autocratic leadership? . Required fields are marked *. In this article, we outline some essential, This leadership style enables quick decision-making, which is one of the most significant. Over time, however, this leadership style creates mistrust within the workplace. Autocracy has many benefits as well as some drawbacks. Do you have a team of inexperienced employees? Advantages And Disadvantages Of Autocracy: Leadership is a crucial talent that can be applied to any profession or career as the case may be, and there are several leadership styles to choose from. - They don't have group members, they have followers. To conclude, though autocratic leadership style has several disadvantages, it can be argued that there are some situations autocratic leadership style should yield better results for organisations. They may sometimes ask their team members to provide feedback, however, the feedback is highly unlikely to change the decisions. Business english 13. It is an easy way to cut through administrative red tape to ensure better communication to all workers. In fact, some characteristics of autocratic leadership can be considered advantages in some situations and drawbacks in others. Faster decision-making is the key to attaining organizational goals. - encourages independence and creativity. Some are encouraging and collaborative, while others are commanding and dominating. Second, autocratic leadership gives the leader an enormous amount of power in deciding how the team operates, but this also means increasing responsibility and accountability. People who rely on this leadership style are often viewed as dictators or bossy. List of the Advantages of the Autocratic Leadership Style 1. It creates a lack of feedback. This style has close links with Herzberg's motivators and Maslow's higher order skills and also applies to McGregor's theory Y view of workers. Autocratic leadership is characterized by being highly structured and rigid style. - increases employee satisfaction and motivation. Company Reg no: 04489574. They can easily manage these issues because theyre the only ones who get to call the shots. One of the benefits of autocratic leadership is that it can help an inexperienced team achieve goals that they wouldn't be able to do alone. For many it is someone who can inspire and get the most from their staff. This procedure often leads to the consistent delivery of projects and has a significant impact on the employees performance and productivity. Productivity levels can see increases with this leadership style. Good leaders can produce great results. This is beneficial to reduce role ambiguity among the employees. St. Thomas University: What is Autocratic Leadership? Fewer layers of administration and lesser feedback to look into facilitates swift decision-making in the team. The employees have clear and strict job descriptions and know what to do and what is expected of them. According to, a significant drawback to working with an autocratic leader is the lack of flexibility in the workplace. One of the greatest advantages to working with an autocratic leader is that the employee always knows whats expected and what will happen if they fail to perform as expected. In workplaces where the employees are largely young and inexperienced, autocratic leadership can be the most effective approach. With a clear corporate hierarchy in place, every member of the organization knows not only who they report to, but who their boss reports to. And when it comes to long-term issues, autocratic leaders know how to direct traffic through the hierarchies. 5. Did you know that autocratic leadership is great when it comes to handling crises? Such strict discipline ensures timely work completion of the organization. 3. And what are. Lets take a glimpse at who autocratic leaders are and what they do. Study Notes Management Styles in a Business (GCSE) Study Notes Leadership Topic Videos Leadership Styles: Blake Mouton Managerial Grid Topic Videos The leader is the only person to take the decision solely as they are in charge . new data says yes, available at: (accessed 06 April 2021), Schaeffer, L. (2002) The leadership journey, available at: (accessed 06 April 2021), St Thomas University (2018) What is Autocratic Leadership? Inexperienced employees generally need a lot of hands-on guidance from their supervisors to learn their roles, learn how to perform their job duties effectively and learn how to work well within the organization. Additionally, a leader like this improves workplace efficiency by instructing staff members on what to do and how to meet deadlines. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Autocratic Leadership, Poor Relationship Between the leader and Followers, Not Suitable for Large and Diversified Organizations, What is Organizational Change? This leadership style can produce authoritative short-term results. Autocratic leadership style ensures that a consistent message is sent from the centre to the employees at the bottom of the organisations. That means all creative decisions originate from the leader. The democratic leadership style does solicit for opinions, perspectives, and experiences. Now, she's focusing her writing on helping other small business owners and people planning to become small business owners navigate this crazy thing we call entrepreneurship. Fewer layers of administration and lesser feedback to look into facilitates swift decision-making in the team. Disadvantages: the us american football coach vince lombardi is an example. There is also less feedback from various levels of management which must be processed. Faster decision-making Read more about each of these advantages in detail in our separate post: Laissez-Faire Leadership Advantages. . This can be achieved by reviewing autocratic leadership examples. You may also like reading Advantages and disadvantages of private limited company. Such times require a leader with ability to give instructions or guide and direct to those under his or her authority. Autocratic leadership style works better in situations where swift decisions are needed. Under autocratic leaders, subordinates would fear due to demands and expectations. When an autocratic leader is consistent with their ethics and is determined to create a fair working environment, then there can be a lot of positives for workers in a company. Autocratic leadership, characterized by this centralized style of leadership, is an important concept in business, economics and politics. The manager respects employees' insight and asks them to help make the best decision, and the team respects the leader's ability to ultimately make the right call after considering their viewpoints. So, what are the autocratic leadership advantages and disadvantages? The leader is the only one who is in charge of the situation. However, according to Schaeffer (2002) autocratic leaders are not those who bully people needlessly. Disadvantages of autocratic leadership style. People only thrive here is there is no investment in what they do. For leaders who don't care much about power and prefer to be appreciated by being of service to others, this is the main advantage. - the leader respects other peoples opinions and feedback. The free reign approach can prove an effective type of leadership when the team has achieved identity and cohesion, resulting in motivated and resourceful team members. Advantages of Autocratic Leadership . Do you know why? This approach derives from the views of Taylor as to how to motivate workers and relates to McGregor's theory X view of workers. They make the decision first and then announces it. If you liked any of these articles, please feel free to share with others by clicking on the social sharing icons. Autocratic leaders do not take input from other members of a team in their decisions. A review of the teams work falls on their shoulders. Open lines of communication ensure that everyone on the team is working toward the same goal. More Cautious Advantages of autocratic leadership style Many leaders use autocratic leadership style to establish centralised control in exercising the decision-making authority and use that control to accomplish the desired results. This ensures that employees are exercising best of their abilities to get the job done, and time and other resources are not wasted. How was that going for you? When there is clear direction, with a path toward success, offered to workers, then they are able to focus on productivity instead of problem solving. An autocratic leader makes decisions and communicates them on time, making sure that the team has all the information they need to finish the project on schedule. . It is one of the biggest, advantages of the autocratic leadership style, Faster decision-making and quick information-sharing can help boost the teams productivity. Only the leader will weigh the pros and cons of every option instead of the entire C-suite. It may impair the morale of the group. The competencies of the leader practicing autocratic leadership become the foundation for future success. For that reason, some entities using this structure create an inheritance chain which allows another person to step into the leadership role right away. It also creates hardships for the leader because they may get blamed for the actions of a worker when that worker was told to do something completely different. Instead of there being a democratic process for teams, there are no group positions of leadership with the autocratic style. SWOT Analysis of Kelloggs (Kellogg Company),, St. Thomas University: What is Democratic/Participative Leadership? Task 2.3 - Comparison of leadership style Autocratic Leadership Style: Mr. Worth took on a more autocratic approach to leadership by operating his office from the top floor of the company, and rarely interacting with his employees. Autocratic leadership is an exchange process, so it is a matter of contingent reinforcement of staff based on performances. Laissez-Faire. - good style for meetings. What is autocratic leadership and its advantages? At times, the original instruction may get lost within complex and multiple channels of communication. Resulting in taking ideas and not implementing them.

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