haarp locations in africa

The term environmental modification techniques refers to any technique for changing through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space. Was HAARP A Factor In The Fukushima Earthquake? The constant spraying of the atmosphere makes our skies more electrically conductive. Some of you may already have them, but I usually . They remain locked in denial and will not admit to the climate engineering insanity. This transmitter location is southwest of Eureka, California. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Watch on HAARP Related Videos New videos coming soon. is a region that stretches roughly 50 to 400 miles (80.5 to 645 kilometres) above the Earths surface and forms a boundary between the atmosphere and space. Hurricane suppression is also reducing atmospheric humidity and thus adding to drought tendencies in various locations. The consequences of the, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org NASA is nothing more than a tool for the military industrial complex to, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org "Major and unusual", that is the term the Los Angeles Times used to describe this week's California chemical snow blizzard. What Is HAARP? The global geoengineering/weather warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Climate engineering is the greatest assault on the biosphere ever launched by industrialized civilization. In addition to affecting the weather, the radio frequency transmissions are detrimental to the health of living organisms. What agendas and objectives might Hurricane, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org What arent we being told? Endless political theater is, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org From all over the world the headlines continue to pour in, change is occurring at blinding speed. Modern industrialized/militarized technology now pushed the human race and all life on Earth well past the breaking point. Mainstream media is still sensationalizing the "droughtbusting" California rain and snow, are we being lied to, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org California "rainpocalypse", is there more to the story? It is located on an US Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska. The ionosphere partially absorbs the waves, speeding up its electrons and making them briefly heat up. HAARP, in full High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, scientific facility for studying the ionosphere, located near Gakona, Alaska. Geoengineering programs are not only decimating the planet's life support systems, these operations are contaminating the entire surface of the planet and every breath we take (due to the highly toxic heavy metal and chemical fallout). What you don't know about microwave transmissions canhurt you. On Friday October 24th there was generally rainless cloud cover stretching from the Pacific past the great lakes. Hugo Chvez blamed it for the 2010 Haiti earthquake, but most such theories about HAARP concern its use for weather modification or mind control. In Parliament's report of 14 January 1999 on the environment, security and foreign policy it was characterised as a weapons system which disrupts the climate. Chemical ice nucleation is a primary element in the ongoing climate engineering assault. A NASA press release points out, Operators powered one of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) engines up to 113 percent thrust level, the highest RS-25 power level yet achieved, during a test on . The climate science and meteorological communities (along with mainstream media and countless other agencies) have long since completely sold out to the power structure. The HAM map below shows "departure from normal high temperatures", do the extremes on this map look "normal" to you? After over 65 years of climate "intervention", very real damage has been done to the Earth's life support systems (along with countless other forms of anthropogenic destruction to the biosphere). This is only one example, there are numerous other types and sizes of RF / microwave transmittersincluding massive ionosphere heater installations like HAARP. 90 degree corners on weather systems (and the associated cloud formations) is not a natural phenomenon. How many countries around the globe have had to endure engineered climate catastrophes which then led to military occupation under the pretext of "humanitarian aid"? There is no sanity in this equation. Exposing and halting the climate engineering assault is the great imperative. Dane Wigington In 2019 BLF was deregistered as a political party and not permitted to contest elections because it does not allow white people to become members. Frequencies play a profound part in the unimaginably miraculous and complex web of life. HAARP is an ionospheric heater, so called because the excitation of electrons increases their temperature, and it is the most powerful ionospheric heater in the world. Many people seem to dismiss HAARP (and other microwave transmission installations)as possessing any kind of level of threat, obviously they have completely and totally NO understanding of the potential of radio waves in transmitting actual power. Find out in the below videos. At higher frequencies, radio communications with satellites pass through the ionosphere. Where is it cool? Though there is no denyingthe corruption and criminality, Greg Hunteris a highly respected veteran news reporter who has worked for many major news networks in the past. Get the latest fact-checking journalism from around Africa delivered straight to your inbox. Location: Gakona, Alaska. Whereas Radio Waves use electromagnetic energy as a type of pressure and can equally pass through the air, liquid or a solid, with the exception of reflective metals. A quietweapon for silent warfare. What happens to the human body that is mostly made of water? There has been an over 11 year hurricane drought in the US regarding major hurricane landfalls and that drought persists. Sharecredible datafrom a credible source, make your voice heard. geoengineeringwatch.org. HAARP became a popular subject of conspiracy theories. The Rothschilds owned "Weather Channel" isn't talking about the record high temperatures all over the center of the country (. The amount of high-frequency energy coming from amateur radio operators around the world almost certainly exceeds transmissions from HAARP.. In 1993, The US Air Force began construction on a $290 million project that would enable the government's foremost atmospheric researchers to study the ionosphere the top layer of the Earth's atmosphere. Yet, even now, the indoctrination of academia and society prevails, the delusion of the "techno fix" (to what technology and anthropogenic activity caused in the first place) is rampant. In the attempt to hide this fact from the public for as long as possible, the climate engineers have decimated the planet and the atmosphere as a whole. Or has the decades long geoengineering insanity actually helped to trigger the methane catastrophe in the first place? This means fewer people will see it. A primary purpose of the constant spraying is to create as much aerosolized cloud cover over the planet as possible. What agendas might the power structure be carrying out by manipulating and/orexacerbating climate chaos over specific regions and during criticalwindows of time? Photo credit: David Mace. It is located near Gakona in Alaska. That array, in turn, transmits RF waves that interact with the ionosphere. Possible HAARP Locations Around The World 1-8-11 Most people never even heard of HAARP, but fact is, HAARP installations exist and are most likely than not, responsible for a lot of foul weather and earthquakes in the past 15 years. Yet from these theories came the Nuclear Weapons technology. The US military's High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP), based at Gakona, Alaska, is the latest electromagnetic, geophysical warfare programme to raise concerns locally and internationally. The radar loop it shows glaringly exposes the extreme weather influence of ground based radio frequency transmitters. The satellite images below are further proof of this fact. For the most part, populations have abandoned any sense of reason and responsibility toward the common good in exchange for their lives of comforts and distractions. By altering the density of electrons in a specific region, scientists using HAARP can study how the ionosphere reacts to changing conditions. The conspiracy-minded believe HAARP is a secret weapon for weather modification and have blamed it triggering floods, droughts, major power outages and even earthquakes in Iran. Only with a complete change of direction does the human race have any chance. Whatever one chooses to believe (or not), the impacts to the biosphere from radio frequency / microwave transmissions is shocking and undeniable as the NASA satellite images below reveal. The content we rate as false will be downgraded on Facebook and Instagram. June,2019, was the hottest month ever recorded on our, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Newly elected California governor Gavin Newsomhas had to declare stateof emergency due to the latest unprecedentedfirestorms. How can very high powered RF / microwave transmissions be used by the climate engineers to manipulate cloud cover, climate, and precipitation? The article below and the 3 short videos contained in it are important to review. Many of these "activists" claim there is virtually no effect on the climate system from human activity. In response, HAARP scientists noted that the ionosphere is far above the troposphere and stratosphere where Earths weather actually happens, and, as for any other effects, HAARP scientists stated that the amount of energy the IRI deposits in the ionosphere is far below that supplied naturally by the Sun and that any effects from the IRI quickly dissipate. The geoengineers are continuing to ramp up on their forcing of the climate processes even as the whole climate system frays apart. Massive Aerosol operations off the west coast of the North American continent, such heavy spraying is used in conjunction with RF transmissions. Mainstream media and the military industrial complex tried to convince the public that HAARP was going to be completely dismantled by the summer of 2014, but did this happen? While the majority of the masses are still allowing themselves to be distracted with power structure orchestrated political theater, the biosphere is collapsing and every breath we take is being contaminated with the toxic fallout from the climate engineering operations. P.O. 10 Most Radioactive Locations on Earth. Hurricane Matthew's new projected path as of 10/3/16, a near 90 degree northerly turn from the original projected path. As the West was finally allowed to cool off a bit, parts of the South and the East immediately went into record warm territory. Because the largest military in the world (the US military) is at the head of massive climate intervention programs that are nothing short of weather warfare. All available data indecates the geoengineers have been actively suppressing cyclones in the Atlantic basin for at least a decade. The HAARP program operates a major Arctic facility, known as the HAARP Research Station. Compelling evidence existsin regard to the potential use of the global ionosphere heater installations to trigger the devastating Japanese earthquake of 2011. What is the "science" community pushing now? Hurricane Matthew is about to decimate specific populations that are already struggling to survive. Extremely powerful microwave transmissions area majoraspect of the climate engineering assault that often goes unnoticed by many, even within theranks of the anti-climate engineering movement. His tweet comes after heavy rains caused record floods in KwaZulu-Natal province, killing an estimated 306 people and causing significant infrastructure damage. Investigators interested in deploying diagnostic apparatus including radio receivers and radar, lidar, optical imagers and spectrometers, and interferometers are encouraged to contact the HAARP Ionospheric and Radio Science . Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding processes are a primary component of, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The extremelyanomalous surface cool-down in Texasand other parts ofthe worldare not just random acts of Nature. ~ BP. The single greatest blow we could strike against those in power is to expose the climate engineering crimes, this would galvanize and unite populations around the globe against the cabal of insanity that is running the planet. The Chinese facility is on the densely-population island of Hainan, beside Sanya, a. Every single individual that is awake and aware of this most critical issue is needed in this all important battle. DW. Photo credit: Dirk Poole. The ones who are a threat to the global elite get arrested, committed to psychiatric hospitals or worse. The swirling patterns left from chemical ice nucleation materials on the sea surface are very clearly visible in the NASA satellite image below (east coast of Greenland). Not only are our skies being constantly saturated with highly toxic climate engineering elements, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Frequencies play a profound part in the unimaginably miraculous and complex web of life. There are unfortunately many in the anti-geoengineering community who are locked in denial as well. DW, The extremely visible spraying in our skies is a very recognizable threat, but what about the immensely powerful radio frequency transmissions put out by ionosphere heater installations like HAARP? McCoy said the five-year, $9.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation will enable the university to maintain the HAARP facility and expand operations. Europe just went through it's warmest winter temperatures in recorded history while locations in Siberia were, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Extreme weather whiplash is now the norm, how much worse will it get? Nonstop engineered winter weather, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Extreme and widespread flash freeze surface cool-downs have been scheduled for the western half of the US and the whole of the UK. In the case of the current record shattering high pressure heat dome over the US West, the clockwise spin of upper level air currents around the high pressure zone allow the weather makers to steer cooler air from the Pacific into the center of the country while completely bypassing the West. My thanks to the activist that sent the 1 minute video below. As Matthew approaches the US, the bombardment of aerosol spraying occurring over the storm will likely increase dramatically. Just as there can be no legitimate discussion of the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the global climate engineering assault, there can also be no legitimate discussion of climate engineering without addressing the constant engineered cool-downs and the chemical ice nucleation factor. Square Cloud Formations Are Undeniable Proof, a total betrayal of populations around the globe, The ongoing global climate engineering assault, Radio frequency transmissions are utilized for manipulating weather systems,cloud formations, and jet stream patterns, global grid of radiofrequency transmitters, distinguish between natural clouds and aerosolized artificial "cloud" cover, engineered drought catastrophe in California, apathy, denial, and total willful blindness, Earth's life support systems are literally collapsing, Radio Frequency Climate Manipulation Amounts To Weather Warfare, which were a primary cause of the climate disintegration in the first place, heavy spraying is used in conjunction with RF transmissions, frequency bombardment of the atmosphere for climate modification purposes, evidence of project "LUCY" and project "ALAMO" at work, radio frequency saturation in our atmosphere is extremely harmful to living organisms, including us, Microwaving The Atmosphere To Mitigate Methane, the decades long geoengineering insanity actually helped to trigger the methane catastrophe in the first place, we face near term global extinction, this is a mathematical certainty, Microwave transmissions and toxic electrically conductive atmospheric spraying can and is killing trees, So many scientists are participating in research and activities that have already pushed us past the point of no return, Toxic Spraying And Radio Frequency Bombardment, A Lethal Mix, The RF signals are highly detrimental to our health and all life forms, Click here to see animated loop of the radar image above, the level of contamination in every breath we take, Conspiracy Theorists Label Still Used In Spite Of Obvious And Verifiable Geoengineering Realities, HAARP Still Stands, Geoengineers Still Wreaking Havoc, Maintaining The Engineered Cool-Down Of The US, Climate Engineering And The Polar Vortex Conveyor. As our forests and wildlife disappear, instead, What are we to do as the walls close in on us? geoengineeringwatch.org, In the spring of 2014, the power structure and mainstream media tried to convince an ever more concerned population thatthere was no climate modification going on and as proof they cited the claim that the HAARP facility was going to be "bulldozed". "Hermine" DID NOT end the major hurricane landfall drought in the US. the waves, speeding up its electrons and making them briefly heat up. Or just stay ignorant and blissful. Charges were laid at a Johannesburg police station in April, accusing South African president Cyril Ramaphosa of serious crimes from rackete Africa Check values your trust and is committed to the responsible management, use and protection of personal information. Its up to you./p>. This buys time for those in power as they prepare for total collapse. In mid-August, U.S. Air Force General Tom Masiello shook hands with UAF's Brian Rogers and Bob McCoy, transferring the powerful upper-atmosphere research facility from the military to the . So long as the weather makers can steer this highly destructive cyclone over regions and populations that are not of interest or concern to the US military powers (orover regions where the destruction might even provide opportunities for US military occupations to be carried out under the pretext of "humanitarian aid"), then the cyclones are allowed to spin up and strengthen. The global climate system is being torn to shreds from so many directions and sources that there is virtually no natural or unattained weather left at this point. Climate engineering / weather warfare operations are wreaking havoc with the Earths remaining life support systems. The scenario shown below has been repeated by the climate engineers countless times since 2007. According to the official HAARP website, "HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes." The degree of climate "forcing" being carried out by the global climate engineering cabal is absolutely astounding. There is an already massive grid of climate intervention transmittersis constantly being expanded. Please complete this form to receive the HTML sharing code. HAARP Locations - Google My Maps HAARP Locations HAARP Locations Sign in Open full screen to view more This map was created by a user. Though many mainstream power structure controlled "science" institutions are paid to pacify populations in regard to the dangers posed by radio frequency / microwave transmissions, what conclusions would logic and deductive reasoning dictate in regard to the dangers of such transmissions? The ionosphere is a region that stretches roughly 50 to 400 miles (80.5 to 645 kilometres) above the Earth's surface and forms a boundary between the atmosphere and space. If climate engineering is to be effectively exposed and halted, this critical aspect of the equation must be understood and addressed. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. Funded by . At the bottom of this post, there are several good examplesof tall microwave towers , and RADAR stations HEATING THE SKY above the transmitters. All, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Geoengineering Watch will start to release as of yet unseen footage from the filming of The Dimming, this is the first installment. The 2 minute video below is an excellent capture of RF manipulation on weather systems, it is shocking and well worth the time to view. Caring for the future of our planet and our children requires action, it requires effort and prioritizing. SUBSURFACE MINERAL EXPLORATION HAS BEEN DONE FROM SATELLITES BY RADIOTOMOGRAPHY THAT IS 100% ACCURATE. The Haitian people already have good reason to feel angst and anger toward western powers, how much more anger would they feel if they knew about the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare operations?

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