german witch bloodline names

"The witch no. I barely scratched the surface of the witch bloodline names in America and Europe, so please stay tuned. Burroughs is a strong surname for a powerful sorcerer. Luckily she had money and powers seen and unseen. Bien was originally an occupational name for a beekeeper or a nickname for a hardworking person (whose as busy as a bee.) For witches, the name has a dark past, associated with Merga Bien a German woman killed by fire after she was convicted of witchcraft at the Fulda witch trials. If your surname is Le Fay, you can choose your own destiny. Do your research on witch bloodline names that match your own and determine from there whether or not you descend from a real witch. Recently a book from the seventeenth century containing three hundred + names of Scottish witches was published online through the Wellcome Library / Though not a witch in the most traditional sense, the Morrgan of Irish mythology's Ulster Cycle bears a name often translated to "Queen of the . Zippel is a rare variation of the German surname Zipfel, with few known bearers. I have traced myself back all the way to not only Samuel Wardwell but also to William Griggs. But I dont see our family name Blair. Laveau is an elegant surname for a well-respected witch. I have only witnessed her being able to use her abilities when angered,not just angry Im talking blood boiling mad. And if you are a descendant, you will know. Ursula Southheil, AKA Mother Shipton, was a powerful prophetess in the 1500s. Many of my ancestors were burned at the stake Why wouldnt this list include the Putnam name? Over time and especially during the panic covered by the Wellcome manuscript, lawyers in Scotland began to distrust some of the tactics used to identify witches, such as searching for "witches marks" or "witches teats" on their bodies which were often just scars, moles, warts, skin tags or birth marks. It feels right at least to know Im not alone.. 330+ Creepiest Witch Last Names & History Behind Them Newton is a famous option among our witch last names, associated with Florence Newton, AKA the Witch of Youghal. Hex Doctors and Witchcraft of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country Merry meet everyone, Merry meet!!!! Rivers Woods Petal Moonlight Hart Woods Stones Norwood Weathers Thats curious. Her three husbands perished under suspicious circumstances, leading people to suspect her of using poison and sorcery against them. Plus the Putnam name is associated with the accusers, not the actual witches. Witch Kitsch and Dark History in Germany's Harz Mountains - Atlas Obscura In this post, we keep brand new database regarding labels which have accused witches various other regions of the us, England, and you can Ireland. Stay tuned. I am the 11th great granddaughter of John Proctor. If you have one of the Salem witches names in your family, you could be a descendant from the Salem witch bloodline. They were often documented as "a young girl of nine", "the prettiest woman in town", "the rich woman", "the reverend of" Barker is a historical last name for witches, associated with a prominent family accused of witchcraft during the 1692 trials in Andover, Massachusetts. Hunting for Witches in the Family Tree - Its also the masculine form of the Greek Cora the maiden name for Persephone, the goddess of spring, destruction, and the dead. Martin is a common surname across the world. Also its not a religion, no worship to Gods and dieties, that is the persons personal beliefs. I have Parker and porter in my lineage , My birth fathers birth family hails from West Virginia Im told I have a ancestor on the hanging side but am curious to see if I share bloodline with Mary Parker and Alice Parker. The witch association comes from Maria Pauer the last person executed for witchcraft in Austria. A great surname for an undercover sorceress. My last name is Long, Do your ancestry DNA< I knew some Longs in GA and I think there are some in SC, Hello i am also looking for my bloodline im a decendent of the Bell witch you know the real one Patience Eldora Summers and Bertha Bellzora Summers. A sad name for witches everywhere. West German Shepherds are a popular working line choice, they also make great family pets if their owners invest enough time in them. The witch association comes from the Hornes a mother and daughter accused of witchcraft by their neighbors. Im coming into more of my comfort zone using crystals, healing rocks, moon energy, ect , I just wish there was someone near my area to help me grasp my full potential.. After she left, supernatural phenomena occurred, leading to her accusation of witchcraft and sorcery. Any help I can get on thoes names would be amazing. I can decipher it. Sarah confessed, was found not guilty, and later exonerated anyway. Sarah Bridges (later Preston, then Price) is not listed. Bloodline Names. I know that Susannah was a Pious Christian woman. Because you know if you back up everything is one. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Let's explore witch last names' meanings. Pauer is derived from the Middle High German bur, referencing someone from a small dwelling. Also from Appalachian and Ozark folklore books. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select . Hibbins may appeal to history or literature lovers. polish witch bloodline names Then to his daughter Sarah and so on. A well-known bearer was Shirley Jackson a horror and mystery author rumored to have been a witch. Faulkner was originally an occupational name for falcon keepers. It later became a status surname for a peasant farmer. my Martins settled in Kentucky! Can you help? I have a niece who also seems to have the genes. From Salem: bishop and Scott I would not have known my ancestor was accused and imprisoned at Salem if I hadnt seen the name list you created and Im grateful! Device is an odd choice among our last names for witches, ultimately derived from the Latin divis (divided). It seems like Im related to the Sampson family Ive always heard that strange call from Scotland in my heart, dunno why, because Im French. Rosenberg has German origins, derived from rose and berg (mountain). Kosenc m Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology An old Croatian name of unknown meaning.. [ more] Kresnik m Slavic Mythology You can search . Stay tuned. My family is from Scotland, Ireland and Germany. An excellent surname for a powerful witch or wizard who uses their dark powers for good. Im a Campbell on my mothers side from Scotland, [] Ancestral Witchcraft: Witch Bloodline Names from Germany, Italy, Salem, Scotland, and Scandinavia []. She has published some of the most influential books on being a modern witch. Im German. 1" lithograph by Joseph E. Baker, 1892. Kiefer Sutherland has a super-long name. She and her brother, Hartger Henot, conflicted with Count Leonhard II von Taxis, who wanted to create a central post office. These are the 7 oldest bloodlines in the world, featuring some families with royal pedigrees that go back for centuries, and others that may be lacking in star power but more than make up for it with jaw-dropping longevity, including one that purportedly goes back to biblical times. Wardwell contains the word ward associated with witches who ward off evil spirits. My last name Alleman. Been trying to search and figure out who Im related to. Despite Samantha Stephens having strong magical powers, she gives them up for an ordinary mortal life. I know a woman whom is very educated in this topic,whom like yourself is a true by bloodline witch of Norwegian desent. The most Davidson families were found in USA in 1880. If you have Italian or Mediterranean surnames in your family, check this list: So you found one of your familial names on the witch bloodline names listnow what? She was the only member of the nobility executed for sorcery in Denmark. Eldora is my great grandmother we have been looking for our family for years. I have some gifts through my Ayers family lineage. Lovely. She confessed to being a witch who joined the convent to wreak havoc among the other nuns. He was well-known in the 60s and 70s, nicknamed the King of Witches. If your surname is Sanders, you have magic in your veins. Whereabouts are thinking your Thornton connection might be?? If your surname is Osborne, you may have magic in your bloodline. Witch-hunts increased again in the 17th century. THE MORRGAN. Are You Descended From Witches? New Digital Document Could Help You My great grandmother use to read cards, tea leaves, palms and make up potions to heal. Just in time for Witch's Night (Halloween that is, not Walpurgisnacht), London's Wellcome Library, which specializes in medical text and history, has digitized Manuscript 3658, Names of Witches . Katharine Goodie Harrison. They were often documented as a young girl of nine, the prettiest woman in town, the rich woman, the reverend of So even if you dont see your ancestral names in the witch bloodline names, still doesnt mean you arent descended from witches. So that said if your reside here also I could offer you an avenue for help. She was either 13 or 17 when accused (sources disagree) and unmarried. He was described as a confident, strong-willed, and well-built man, noted for his cleverness and super-human strength. Sarah Wildes was a woman wrongly convicted of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. Lady's Mantle - This herb would disperse storm clouds when thrown into a fire or hung into a window. I offer a service where I look at your magical ancestors origins including if there are any witches or magical folks in your line. Youre not alone, Lindsay! Remember a witch will always know another one when they meet. 5 Famous People With Seriously Long Names | HowStuffWorks Im a parker to I was givin up for adoption at age 7 I always knew I was different from everyone else Im sences are strong and I know hopefully one day Ill find out who I am till then Ill continue to dig and search for answers to questions I dont even know. An excellent surname for a kind witch with pure intentions. I was just looking for the Samson of Normandy, and to see this name of Sampson in this atypical list challenged me. Device is an excellent surname for a good witch with healing powers. Jelajahi. The German Witch Trials | The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Family members admitted they attended a meeting of 100 witches in Salem Village led by the devil. Until I can translate or find a legible source, here I will provide the other known Scottish witch bloodline names: Perhaps you had a German or Swiss ancestor who was accused and/or executed for witchcraft. He later noticed that Catherine Repond had the same injuries as the fox and accused her of shapeshifting and sorcery. By any other name would smell as sweet." In Act 2 of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," Juliet does eventually realize that the Montague name has less significance than her beloved Romeo, and alas, the two . Google last name carrier origins and usually the results will tell you other forms of the name. Namesakes: Catherine Monvoisin, a French professional fortune-teller and provider of sorcery among the aristocracy, accused of killing 1,000 people. A well-known bearer was Ann Hibbins a woman executed for witchcraft in Boston before the Salem witch trials. Singer is a lovely last name for a witch with a talent for poetry and spell-writing. In Arthurian legends, Morgan le Fay was a powerful enchantress and sister of King Arthur. She's written on a plethora of topics and enjoys the diversity of her work. Delvaux is an elegant option among our witch last names, traditionally used as a surname for people from towns called La Vaux in Belgium and France. Redd is a creepy last name for a witch interested in dark sorcery or blood magic. Hoar comes from the Middle English hor(e) (gray, white-haired), making it an excellent surname for a seasoned witch with a long history. Before diving into your familys history and comparing to the witch bloodline names below, you have to discern whether you believe these ancestors were witches or not. A bailiff in her town went hunting and shot a fox, who got away. A fictional bearer is Bonnie Bennett the powerful and compassionate witch from The Vampire Diaries. Just a thought, Do you have the email of this women Id like to talk to her I am related to the witch bloodline. Curtens is an Anglicized form of the Gaelic surname Mac Cruitn (son of Cruitin). Corey is derived from the Gaelic word coire (in a cauldron, in a hollow). If your surname is Rasputin, you may have ancient magic in your bloodline. These are the Bloodlines of the Anunnaki 'Gods' - Stillness in the Young is a sprightly name for a young witch with her whole life ahead of her. I havent written one yet. To German witcheshexenthe Harz highlands of northern Germany is home, a mountain range steeped in pagan lore. Palles is derived from the ancient Latin personal name Paulus (small). I come from a long line of witches. Ive always been told since I was a little girl that my relative was burnt at the stake in Salem but then I read no one was burnt. Never witnessed her using it when all was normal or happy moments. The Salem witch trials began when 9-year-old Elizabeth Parris and 11-year-old Abigail Williams began suffering from fits, body contortions and uncontrolled screaming (today, it is believed that. If not, what youll do is write down your familys last names your last name (which is typically your fathers), your mothers maiden name, her mothers maiden name, your fathers mothers maiden name, etc. The Merovingian Bloodline: One of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines that Rule Perhaps you will embrace the magic inside you, too. die Hexerei - witchcraft die Hebamme - midwife der Vampirismus - vampirism der Kindermord - child murder foltern - to torture der Dmon - demon die Armut - poverty der Teufel - devil die Salbe - ointment schrecklich - frightful gottlos - unholy ('godless') die Zauberei - sorcery/magic der Eid - oath die Wahrheit - truth die Legende - legend Penczak is a mysterious choice among our witch last names, with little information on its origins. I do believe we all have the ability to change, manipulate,control or cast our will upon people objects things etc. Ive also included last names of well-known twentieth century English witches. Havent done any research as to who they are yet but I shall find out soon.. bless it be brothers and sister.. may source grant you its favor. I have Walden, Andrews, Barker, Black, my aunts ex husband has Bradbury, one of my grandmas ex husband has Burroughs , my exs dad was married to a woman with the maiden name of Foster, my grandmas ex husband has Howe, and a Hutchins is married to a cousin, I have Hutchinson, and Jacobs, I have Martin, and a Parker married a cousin, and my fiancee has Jacobs, Rebecca Nurse is in my tree her son Benjamin had a daughter named Elizabeth she married Theophilus Phillips II she was his second wife I am not related to her but I am related to him, and I once dated a guy with the last name of Redd, I have Willard. The witch trials in Early Modern Europeincluded the Basque witch trialsin Spain, the Fulda witch trialsin Germany, the North Berwick witch trialsin Scotland, and the Torsker witch trialsin Sweden. This list seems to me that the real witches may not be named.. She is one of my ancestors from Salem, along with Phobe Dane, Abigail Faulkner, Deliverance Dane, Mary Clement Osgood, Samuel Wardell, Elizabeth Sacherell Kendall, Lydia Ballet, and Mary Greene. Mar is an attractive option among our surnames for witches, with roots in Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, France, Germany, Portugal, and Spain. If so, finding your witch ancestors will be easy. Leek is a habitational surname for someone from several places named Leake, Leek, Leak, or Leek in England. This was about 79% of all the recorded Weiss's in USA. All who were accused and found guilty, those who were executed and those who escaped or died in prison. A fictional namesake is Jesus Velzquez a brujo or a powerful sorcerer of Mexican descent in the Trueblood TV series. This bloodline's known witches have all been . Im 1/16th Irish and I dont see the Family McFadden in the list. If you've ever wondered if you descend from a line of witches, you could be right! He was one of the last people executed during the Lyon witch trials in France. german witch bloodline names - You are Poldi Breschfeld, a simple You live with your brother on your small farm which you inherited from your parents. Associated names are Blackburn, Vannoy, and Bishop, and Langford. One bearer was Dame Alice Kyteler a wealthy moneylender accused of witchcraft in Ireland. Johns only true crime was being wealthy and successful, which garnered the resentment of his neighbors., My grandmother was a Porter(maiden) . Witchipedia: Ireland's most famous witches - The Irish Times Foster is a variation of Forester a surname initially given to a forest keeper. This is SO interesting to me! Several women with the last name Parker were victims of the Salem Witch Trials. Faulkner is a great surname for a powerful witch with authority. I am a Thornton and now all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together like in a BIG way hahahahaha. Western Witch Bloodline Names (Apart from Salem) They were herbal healers accused of witchcraft after their former employers fell ill. Fortune is derived from the Latin fortuna (fortune, luck, chance). I have Hungarian and Ukrainian heritage and my grandmother has told me on several occasions that a few relatives practiced herbal crafts. There are now massive online archives that makeit easier than ever to hunt down obscure ancestors, not to mention mail-in DNA tests that can reachback centuries. If the water rejected them as a servant of the devil, they floated and were deemed guilty. She followed astrology closely and also did folk magic. Alice Nutter was an English woman accused and executed for witchcraft during the Pendle witch hunt. She later embraces her magical powers, becoming one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. Bradbury is a charming last name for witches, associated with Mary Bradbury a Salem witch who was said to transform into a blue boar and cast spells over ships. Known as "Koschei the Deathless", he is portrayed as an evil and powerful wizard who cannot be killed by traditional means since his soul is hidden inside an object, often an egg nested inside other protective objects. Read on to discover 100 awesome witch last names fit for a mage! [] store-bought, etc. application smartphone chasse au trsor . She was a maid in Mhldorf, Germany, who ran an errand for her employee to another home. 70+ Best Male Witch and Warlock Names | LoveToKnow Gowdie is an ancient Scottish name derived from goldie (gold). If not, what you'll do is write down your family's last names - your last name (which is typically your father's), your mothe. German Witchcraft (religion, spiritualism, and occult) More than a hundred times as many witches were executed in Germany as were in England.Whereas England did not torture nor burn witches, Germany did both.Rossell Hope Robbins emphasizes the severity of the witchcraft persecutions in Germany by listing typical atrocities.In Wolfenbttel in 1590, there were so many stakes erected for burning .

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