manually enroll device in intune powershell

When ran on 32-bit, the script runs in 32-bit PowerShell host. To do it, I will click on Start -> Settings -> Accounts. The event we are interested in is of type "Update device" initiated by "Microsoft Intune". Capturing the hardware hash for manual registration requires booting the device into Windows. After the device appears in your device list, and an Autopilot profile is assigned, restarting the device causes OOBE to run through the Windows Autopilot provisioning process. Under Add Windows Autopilot devices, browse to the CSV file that lists the devices that you want to add. I work atOrmer ICTand my main focus is the innovation of our modern workplace solution using Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Required Steps to deploy Windows autopilot profile: Go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center ( Choose Select. Start off by opening up the Settings app and clicking Accounts. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. More info: The user data is kept if you choose the Retain enrollment state and user account checkbox. Enrollment enables them to access work resources in Microsoft Edge. Click Done to complete. When you upload a CSV file to assign a user, make sure that you assign valid User Principal Names (UPNs). Hopefully, it will help you too . Until you test your script, you won't know all of the help that you will need. After enrolling, if you have trouble accessing work or school things, try syncing your device. To add a new PowerShell script, click Add button and deploy it to Windows 10 devices. Select Assignments > Select groups to include. Device information in the CSV file where you capture hardware hashes should include: You can have up to 500 rows in the file's list of devices. Microsoft Intune: Force Sync Devices with PowerShell Capturing the hardware hash for manual registration requires booting the device into Windows. You can manually sync Intune policies on a Windows device from Taskbar or Start Menu. Search the forums for similar questions On theOut-of-box experience (OOBE)page, forDeployment mode, choose one of these two options: User-driven & self-deploying (preview). The Company Portal app opens to the Settings page and initiates your sync. We still recommend the Android device administrator management solution for these scenarios: This section describes the enrollment options available for iOS/iPadOS and Mac devices in Intune. When prompted to, sign in with your work or school account again. Most of the content is created, just to get you started. Your email address will not be published. BPRT unleashed: Joining multiple devices to Azure AD and Intune The following table describes the supported enrollment methods for devices running Windows 10 and Windows 11. Identity options include: Prepare devices for enrollment by configuring enrollment features, such as enrollment restrictions, device categorization, and device enrollment managers. Go to MEM portal and navigate to Home > Devices > Enroll devices > Devices. Need PowerShell script to manually re-enroll PCs in Intune MDM services, such as Microsoft Intune, can manage mobile and desktop devices running Windows 10. I wanted to test it out once I have the whole script built and see where it needs work first. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Now click the Access work or school option and click + Connect button. During enrollment, a separate work profile is created on the device so that people can switch between their personal apps and work apps easily and securely. The closest I been able to get something that invokes the MDM registration via PowerShell is Start-Process ms-device-enrollment:?mode=mdm"&" but this is still very user driven. Import Windows AutoPilot devices to Intune using PowerShell So, this process is primarily for testing and evaluation scenarios. The process might take a few minutes to complete, depending on how many devices are being synchronized. The Company Portal app initiates your sync. In other words, PowerShell scripts execute first. Powershell Script to Enroll computers into Intune How to enroll devices in Azure AD from PowerShell You can use a PowerShell script (Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1) to get a device's hardware hash and serial number. Specify the name of the PowerShell script and you may add a description as well. To access Company Portal: Use Intune Company Portal to enroll devices running on Windows 10, version 1607 and later, and Windows 11. Microsoft Configuration Manager automatically collects the hardware hashes for existing Windows devices. We recommend this enrollment solution for on-premises environments that use Active Directory domain services and can't currently move their identities to Azure AD. MDM only enrollment lets users enroll an existing Workgroup, Active Directory, or Azure Active directory joined PC into Intune. It takes a while to sync the latest Intune policies. Windows Autopilot Diagnostics are available in OOBE. or check out the PowerShell forum. Corporate-owned devices with a work profile: Enroll corporate-owned devices that are also approved for personal use. For Win32 app management, you can use the Win32 app management feature on your Windows 10 devices. How to enroll a device in Autopilot - IT Connect The CSV file should list: You can have up to 500 rows in the list. #intune #windows10 #raymonddewitcom, Security Groups in Azure AD #EndpointManager #AzureAD #raymonddewitcom, Manually register devices with Windows Autopilot Please help here Now you can Create an Autopilot deployment profile from Devices>Windows>Windows enrollment>Deployment Profiles>Create Profile>Windows PCorHoloLens. 2. After you've uploaded an Autopilot device, you can edit certain attributes of the device: Device names can be configured for all devices but are ignored in Hybrid Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) deployments. Make a note of the enrollment ID somewhere, you will need the ID later in the process. Devices enrolled in a group policy (GPO). Opens a new window. #,and%20confirm%20Delete%20dialog%20box. These devices are associated with a single user and intended to be exclusively for work use. Home Intune 4 Ways to Manually Sync Intune Policies on Windows Devices. Dedicated device: Enroll corporate-owned, single use or kiosk devices used for things like digital signage, ticket printing, or inventory management. Users enroll from Settings on the existing Windows PC. Let's see how to use Intune's Endpoint security policies. This article provides step-by-step guidance for manual registration. Windows 11 Azure AD Join Manual Process Windows 10 - HTMD Device Management Then, Win32 apps execute. Command or PowerShell Script to Confirm Device is Enrolled Might also be worth focusing on a single problematic machine and checking the enrollment logs. For more information, see: Setup Assistant enrollment: This method wipes the device and prepares it for enrollment in Apple Configurator. Use the Microsoft Intune management extension to upload PowerShell scripts in Intune. Lets see how to manually sync Intune policies using multiple methods on Windows devices. I can deploy their agent installer via GPO, but I'm not seeing a way to easily automate the profile enrollment. If you have set up the ESP for your Autopilot devices youll be familiar with it, but the ESP is not part of Autopilot as such, but targeted at any Intune device you enrol based on how you have assigned it to Users or Devices. Powershell On the Set up your device screen, select Next. Run the following script: If it succeeds, output.txt should be created, and should include the "Script worked" text. You can delete Windows Autopilot devices that aren't enrolled in Intune: Completely removing a device from your tenant requires you to delete the Intune, Azure AD, and Windows Autopilot device records. Intune enrollment methods for Windows devices - Microsoft Intune If the sync is successful, you should see the message Sync Successful on the same screen. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. From Intune, Go to Devices -> All devices-> Bulk devices Actions as shown below: Now, You should get the option to select OS and then Device Action, select Sync here as depicted below-. Once they're met, the Intune management extension installs automatically when a PowerShell script or Win32 app is assigned to the user or device. I will never sell or voluntarily disclose your personal information or email address. You can do all these deletions from Intune, in this order: Create device groups to apply Autopilot deployment profiles. I will try your suggestions and see what I come up with. Select the account that has a briefcase icon next to it. I will start with notice that this method should be your last resort in fixing the problem with lost device in Intune or when sync ends with sync could not be initiated 0x80072f0c.. Based on this post - link - I've created script to run on affected device to jump start enrollment again. The Microsoft Intune Management Extension is a service that runs on the device, just like any other service listed in the Services app (services.msc). In both Intune Administrator and role-based access control methods, the administrative user also requires consent to use the Microsoft Intune PowerShell enterprise application. Personally owned devices with a work profile: Support enrollment for personal devices in BYOD scenarios. Click OK. This method aligns with the Android Enterprise corporate-owned work profile management solution. This method aligns with the Android Enterprise work profile for personally owned devices management solution. Many administrators choose Yes. Manually Sync Intune Policies from Device Taskbar or Start menu The Company Portal app opens to the Settings page and initiates your sync. Syncing forces your device to connect with Intune to get the latest updates, requirements, and communications from your organization. Then, upload the script to Intune, assign the script to an Azure Active Directory (AD) group, and run the script. Enrolling devices to Intune. Direct enrollment: This method lets you enroll the device prior to distribution, and doesn't wipe the device. ( Azure AD > Mobility (MDM and MAM) > Microsoft Intune > Add device group to the MDM user scope ) On one I tried manually enabling the group policy. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. On first run, you're prompted to approve the required app registration permissions. The terms and conditions are shown to targeted users in the Intune Company Portal app. After a device reboots, this service may also restart, and check for any assigned PowerShell scripts with the Intune service. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative . If you're using the Company Portal website, the prompt may open in a new window. Get an Apple enrollment program token if you plan to enroll devices via Apple automated device enrollment. Select Enter a PowerShell Script. To enroll devices into Intune/Microsoft Endpoint Manager devices need to be Hybrid AAD joined or Azure AD joined. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. enroll azure ad joined devices into intune without user intervention With Cloud PC Remote Actions, you can remotely manage Cloud PCs in Intune just like any other managed device. I have only found the ability to join to Intune MDM with GPO. Turn on the computer and complete the initial Windows setup. Zero-touch enrollment: We recommend using zero-touch enrollment for bulk enrollments and to simplify enrollment for remote workers. Use PowerShell scripts on Windows 10/11 devices in Intune and was challenged. Here is a table that lists the default Intune policy sync interval based on device type. The default Intune policy refresh intervals for different device types are already specified by Microsoft. This step grants the user single sign-on access to cloud-based work apps and other resources. Traditional IT focuses on a single device platform, business-owned devices, users that work from the office, and different manual, reactive IT processes. For example, there's no internet access, no access to Windows Push Notification Services (WNS), and so on. To import the file by using Intune: In the Microsoft Intune admin center, select Devices > Windows > Windows enrollment > Devices (under Windows Autopilot Deployment Program) > Import.

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