Calling All Patriots to C-Vine International Forum!

C-Vine International Forum is the social media platform of the future – A gathering place for people from all over the world, to share, debate, and research the news – An exciting place to stretch your knowledge, and challenge others to do the same. “We don’t know what we don’t know!”  

How to Register:

Click on the International Forum image – to the right    →

When it opens, Click on “Register”. Read the Terms of Agreement and check it off.
Fill in the blank boxes, chose your correct time zone, and check the Robot box.
Click on “Submit”, and you’re in!
No e-mail confirmation is needed.
“Expand your thinking”: 
What is Space Force? Is the Deep State for real?  What is the history of the Deep State?  The Rothschilds?
“Spirit cooking”? Gloria Vanderbilt. What’s up with Liddle Adam Shitt… I mean Schiff.
What’s REALLY behind the grounding of all Boeing 737 MAX 8 & 9?
What’s a kill switch? Does Hillary have anything to do with this?
What’s under the Denver Airport?  What’s under the Getty Museum? What’s Epstein Island?
What is Gesara all about? The GHWB funeral? What is Q? What is Adrenochrome? Why is this important?
Why do those Hollywood guys wear red shoes? “Symbolism will be there downfall.”
Why do the Democrats so desperately fight the wall, and actually want illegals to vote?
And, tell me, surely someone will be going to Gitmo, please! 
Enjoy the banter and brainstorming of like minds…and some not so alike! Think outside the box.
There are no “Face Book Big Brother Police” here, to shut down Conservative thought and expression. 
Here, we are free to express our opinions – even suspicions – and get feedback from others. 
Welcome, Patriots!  Enjoy!


Submitted by Bonnie Nirgude’, Citizen Journalist for C-Vine Network News


This article was posted by our C-VINE team of volunteer workers, investigative reporters, and citizen journalists, who make certain all information is vetted for accuracy before publishing. C-VINE News is placed in a Foundation, also called a Charitable Trust and is run by, “We the People”.

Conversations and discussions are being held on the C-VINE News Talk – Facebook Group Page(Must be a Facebook member): C-VINE News Talk