Coming Soon ~ C-VINE Project “Rebuild America”

February 18, 2022

URGENT NOTICE:  I am seriously considering going a different direction with C-VINE in that now is the time for planning how to rebuild and restructure all our systems. Education, Healthcare,… EVERYTHING. Much will fall that was filled with falsehood, damaging agendas and corruption.

Sometimes a broken system can’t take any more Band-Aids to function correctly. Salvage what works, tear down the rest and rebuild from scratch.

America did it once. We the People will rebuild again as trailblazers… and C-VINE is bringing together planning from those with individualized talents for teams.

New proven systems are then duplicatable…

Remember there is only one source for the truth… therefore stay in prayer for your guidance. Question anything that is TOLD to you from ANY news source. Including me. Decide for yourselves. I do my best, but am not perfect. The blizzard of misinformation has made it very difficult for human eyes to see through.

Additional updates are forthcoming.

Anyone who feels they have something to contribute to this Historical Project…  Contact me by answering this e-mail or

~~~ Linda Forsythe.