Gitmo Military Tribunal Transcripts Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et al. 1/2/19 to 5/28/19

Contains Gitmo Military Tribunal Transcripts of Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et al. of released pre-trial proceedings, motions and rulings from 1/2/19 to 5/28/19.

NOTE: If the transcript has a paperclip attachment link on the far right, it means transcripts are available. If you see a circle with a line through it, it means there is NO transcript attached at this time.

All military tribunal transcripts are derived from the Department of Defense :

Mr. Mohammad’s Response To Government’s Motion for Public Access to Open Proceedings of This Military Commission Via Closed-Circuit Television Transmission 05/24/2019 AE007K (KSM)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response To Government Motion For Public Access To Open Proceedings of This Military Commission Via Closed-Circuit Television Transmission 05/24/2019 AE007L (AAA)
RULING – Defense Motion to Reconsider In Part The Commission’s Ruling in AE 375L 05/24/2019 AE375FF
Government Response To Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Suppress Letterhead Memorandum Statements Because the Government Cannot Demonstrate by a Preponderance of the Evidence that They Were Voluntarily Given 05/24/2019 AE630C (GOV)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Witnesses In Support of Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Suppress 05/23/2019 AE628B (AAA)
Government Response To Mr. Hawsawi’s Motion in Response to AE 524RRR, Ruling, Regarding Scheduling the Filing of a Motion To Suppress FBI Statements 05/23/2019 AE632A (GOV)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE 118M Ruling 05/22/2019 AE118O (AAA)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Reply to AE 502MMMM(GOV) 05/22/2019 AE502OOOO (MAH)
Order, Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Extend Deadline to File Motion to Suppress 05/17/2019 AE631A
RULING – Mr. bin al Shibh’s Motion for Leave to File Out-of Time Motion1 to Decline Joinder to AE 625 (MAH) 05/16/2019 AE625-10 (RUL)(RBS)
Motion for Extension of Time to File a Response to AE 007I(GOV) 05/16/2019 AE007-2 (MFL)(KSM)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For an Extension of Time to File a Response to AE 007I (GOV) 05/16/2019 AE007-1 (MFL)(AAA)
Notice of Declination of Joinder to AE 502HHHH (AAA) 05/15/2019 AE502NNNN (KSM)
Government Notice Of Decision by United States Court of Military Commission Review 05/15/2019 AE595NN (GOV)
Government Response To Mr. Hawsawi’s Notice of Joinder to AE 502HHHH (AAA) 05/15/2019 AE502MMMM (GOV)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Motion for Leave to File Out-of Time Motion to Decline Joinder to AE 625 (HAW) 05/15/2019 AE625-9 (MFL)(RBS)
Government Response To Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Reconsider the Ruling in AE 524LLL 05/15/2019 AE524TTT (GOV)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion in Response to AE 524RRR, Ruling, regarding Scheduling the Filing of a Motion to Suppress FBI Statements 05/15/2019 AE632 (MAH)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Extend Deadline to File Motion to Suppress 05/15/2019 AE631 (WBA)
Military Judge Ruling on Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time a Reply to AE 524OOO (GOV), Government Response to Defense Motion for Reconsideration of AE 524LLL 05/14/2019 AE524-44 (RUL)(MAH)
NOT USED 05/14/2019 AE524QQQ (MAH)
Notice of Ex Parte and Under Seal Filing 05/14/2019 AE633 (WBA)
CORRECTED COPY – Government Motion To Reconsider and Clarify AE 118M, Ruling 05/14/2019 AE118N (GOV)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Notice of Declination of Joinder to AE625 (MAH) Motion to Dismiss Because the Military Commissions Act of 2009 Is a Bill of Attainder 05/14/2019 AE625C (AAA)
Defense Reply to AE 524OOO, Government Response to Defense Motion to Reconsider AE 524LLL 05/14/2019 AE524SSS (MAH)
EXPEDITED BRIEFING ORDER Government Motion For Public Access To Open Proceedings of This Military Commission Via Closed-Circuit Television Transmission 05/14/2019 AE007J
Notice of Classified Ex Parte and Under Seal Filing 05/14/2019 AE518B (WBA)
NOT USED 05/14/2019 AE524-40 (AAA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Decline Joinder to AE 625(MAH), Motion to Dismiss Because the Military Commissions Act of 2009 is a Bill of Attainder 05/14/2019 AE625D (WBA)
Military Judge Ruling on Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Leave to File Out-of-Time Notice of Declination of Joinder 05/13/2019 AE502-22 (RUL)(KSM)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Decline Joinder In Part to AE 502JJJJ (MAH) Mr. al Hawsawi’s Notice of Joinder to AE 502HHHH (AAA) 05/13/2019 AE502LLLL (AAA)
Military Judge Ruling on Mr. Baluchi’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time a Motion to Decline Joinder 05/13/2019 AE625-7 (RUL)(AAA):
Mr. al Baluchi’s Notice of Discovery 05/13/2019 AE628A (AAA)
Military Judge Ruling on Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for Leave to File AE 628 Out of Time 05/13/2019 AE628-2 (RUL)(AAA)
Military Judge Ruling on Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time Motion to Decline Joinder 05/13/2019 AE625-8 (RUL)(WBA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for Leave to File AE 628 Out of Time 05/13/2019 AE628-1 (MFL)(AAA)
Military Judge Order Consolidated Order in Regard to Filing Deadlines Relating to AE 524LLL Ruling 05/10/2019 AE524RRR
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time a Reply to AE 524OOO (GOV), Government Response to Defense Motion for Reconsideration of AE 524LLL 05/10/2019 AE524-43 (MFL)(MAH)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 05/10/2019 AE586B (AAA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply to Government’s Response to Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Reconsider AE 502BBBB 05/10/2019 AE502KKKK (AAA)
Defense Reply-Motion to Dismiss Because the Military Commissions Act of 2009 Is a Bill of Attainder 05/10/2019 AE625E (MAH)
Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Suppress Letterhead Memorandum Statements Because the Government Cannot Demonstrate by a Preponderance of the Evidence that They Were Voluntarily Given 05/10/2019 AE630 (KSM)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Notice of Filing in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in the case of In Re Mustafa al Hawsawi (Case No. 19-1100) 05/10/2019 AE595MM (MAH)
Government Motion For Public Access To Open Proceedings of This Military Commission Via Closed-Circuit Television Transmission 05/10/2019 AE007I (GOV)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time Motion to Decline Joinder 05/09/2019 AE625-6 (MFL)(WBA)
Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for an Extension of Time Within Which to Request Production of Witnesses 05/09/2019 AE524-41 (KSM)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Reply to AE 524-37(GOV), Government Response to Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Extend the Deadline to File Motion to Suppress as Ordered in AE 524LLL(RUL) 05/09/2019 AE524-42 (WBA)
Government Notice Of Completion of Forensic Examination of Laptop Utilized by Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin ‘Attash 05/08/2019 AE530SSS (GOV)
Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE 118M, Ruling 05/08/2019 AE118N (GOV)
Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Leave to File Out-of-Time Notice of Declination of Joinder 05/08/2019 AE502-21 (MFL)(KSM)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time a Motion to Decline Joinder 05/08/2019 AE625-5 (MFL)(AAA)
Defense Notice of conflict Effecting Representation 05/08/2019 AE286HH (WBA)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Reply to AE 524-36 (GOV) Government Response to Motion for Extension of Time to File a Motion to Suppress in Accordance with AE 524LLL 05/07/2019 AE524-39 (RBS)
Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 05/06/2019 AE586 (GOV Sup)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Notice of Joinder to AE 502HHHH (AAA) 05/06/2019 AE502JJJJ (MAH)
Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Reconsider the Ruling in AE 524LLL 05/06/2019 AE524PPP (KSM)
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion to Reconsider AE 502BBBB, Ruling 05/03/2019 AE502IIII (GOV)
Government Response To Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Extend Deadline to File Motion to Suppress as Ordered in AE 524LLL (RUL) 05/03/2019 AE524-37 (GOV)
Trial Conduct Order Amicus Briefs 05/03/2019 AE627
Notice of Declination of Joinder of Defense Motion to Dismiss Because the Military Commissions Act of 2009 Is a Bill of Attainder 05/02/2019 AE625B (KSM)
In Court Submission (Chronological Record of Care) 05/02/2019 AE523R (MAH)
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 05/02/2019 AE626B (WBA)
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 05/02/2019 AE626C (AAA)
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 05/02/2019 AE626D (MAH)
Unofficial/Unauthenticated Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 5/2/2019 from 9:01 AM to 10:14 AM 05/02/2019 TRANS
Military Judge Ruling Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 05/01/2019 AE616V
Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Leave to File Out-of-Time Motion to Decline Joinder 05/01/2019 AE625-3 (MFL)(KSM)
Military Judge Ruling Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 05/01/2019 AE523Q
Military Judge Ruling Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) 05/01/2019 AE624O
Government Response To Defense Motion to Reconsider AE 524LLL, Ruling, on Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE 524LL, Ruling 05/01/2019 AE524OOO (GOV)
Military Judge Ruling Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Leave to File Out-of-Time Motion to Decline Joinder 05/01/2019 AE625-4 (RUL)(KSM)
In Court Submission (Slides) 04/30/2019 AE617I (AAA)
In Court Submission (Slides) 04/30/2019 AE620H (AAA)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion for Extension Of Time to File a Reply to AE 625A (GOV) 04/30/2019 AE625-1 (MFL)(MAH)
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 04/30/2019 AE626A (MAH)
Military Judge Ruling Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion for Extension Of Time to File a Reply to AE 625A (GOV) 04/30/2019 AE625-2 (RUL)(MAH)
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 04/30/2019 AE626 (WBA)
M.C.R.E. 505(h) Transcript Placeholder 04/30/2019 AE412Z
Unofficial/Unauthenticated Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 4/30/2019 from 10:32 AM to 2:55 PM 04/30/2019 TRANS
Unofficial/Unauthenticated Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 4/29/2019 from 8:59 AM to 4:44 PM 04/29/2019 TRANS
Government Response To Motion for Extension of Time to File a Motion to Suppress in Accordance With AE 524LLL 04/29/2019 AE524-36 (GOV)
In Court Submission (US v Ghailani) 04/29/2019 AE286FF (GOV)
In Court Submission (US v Leopold) 04/29/2019 AE286GG (GOV)
In Court Submission (3-page memo) 04/29/2019 AE286EE (MAH)
Military Judge Order Mr. Hawsawi’s Notice Pursuant to Commission Rulings AE 530GGG and AE 530PPP (Laptop Examination) 04/28/2019 AE530RRR
CORRECTED COPY Military Judge Order Mr. Hawsawi’s Notice Pursuant to Commission Rulings AE 530GGG and AE 530PPP (Laptop Examination) 04/28/2019 AE530RRR
NOTICE OF ORDER By the United States Court of Military Commission Review 04/26/2019 AE616U (AAA)
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion to Reconsider AE 523L, Protective Order #5, and AE 523M, Ruling 04/26/2019 AE523P (GOV)
Government Response To Defense Motion to Dismiss Because the Military Commissions Act of 2009 Is a Bill of Attainder 04/26/2019 AE625A (GOV)
Military Judge Ruling Defense Motion to Abate Proceedings Pending Compliance With Protective Order #1 04/25/2019 AE118M
Government Notice In Compliance with Paragraph 6.b of AE 524LLL, Ruling 04/25/2019 AE524NNN (GOV)
Government Notice of Interpreter Testimony Scheduling 04/25/2019 AE624L (GOV)
Supplemental Docket Order 04/25/2019 AE624A (Sup)
RULING – Defense Motion to Waive Mr. al Hawsawi’s Appearance at the Military Commission Session Scheduled to begin 29 April 2019 04/25/2019 AE624N
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion For An M.C.R.E. 505(h) Hearing 04/25/2019 AE624K (GOV)
RULING – Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Reconsider the Military Judge’s Denial of Recusal and Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Motion to Reconsider the Military Judge’s Denials of Recusal and Ex Parte Voir Dire 04/25/2019 AE595LL RULING
RULING – Government Motion to Compel Notice of Intent to Introduce Expert Mental Health Evidence 04/25/2019 AE614H
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Reconsider AE 502BBBB Ruling 04/24/2019 AE502HHHH (AAA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Extend Deadline to File Motion to Suppress as Ordered in AE 524LLL(RUL) 04/24/2019 AE524-35 (MFL)(WBA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Reply to AE 595II(GOV), Government Response to AE 595FF(AAA), Motion to Reconsider the Military Judge’s Denial of Recusal 04/24/2019 AE595KK (WBA)
Defense Motion To Waive Mr. Al Hawsawi’s Appearance At The Military Commission Session Scheduled To Begin 29 April 2019 04/24/2019 AE624M (MAH)
Government Response To AE 595FF (AAA) Motion To Reconsider the Military Judge’s Denial of Recusal 04/23/2019 AE595II (GOV)
Military Judge Ruling – Government Motion to Withdraw AE 538O (GOV Sup)/AE 561J (GOV Sup) 04/23/2019 AE538Q
Military Judge Ruling – Government Motion to Withdraw AE 538O (GOV Sup)/AE 561J (GOV Sup) 04/23/2019 AE561L
Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 04/23/2019 AE538L (GOV Sup)
Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 04/23/2019 AE561I (Gov Sup)
Government Motion To Withdraw AE 538O (GOV Sup)/ AE 561J (GOV Sup) 04/23/2019 AE538P (Gov)
Government Motion To Withdraw AE 538O (GOV Sup)/ AE 561J (GOV Sup) 04/23/2019 AE561K (Gov)
Notice of Filing of Motion for Stay in the U.S. Court of Military Commission Review 04/23/2019 AE595JJ (KSM)
Government Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(h)(2)(A) 04/23/2019 AE616T (Gov)
Military Judge Ruling – Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel of Record Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 04/23/2019 AE624J
Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel of Record Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 04/22/2019 AE624I (KSM)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Motion to Reconsider the Military Judge’s Denials of Recusal and Ex Parte Voir Dire 04/22/2019 AE595HH (RBS)
Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 04/19/2019 AE538O (GOV Sup)
Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 04/19/2019 AE561J (GOV Sup)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Response to AE 617D/620C, Regarding Hostilities as an Element of the Charges 04/19/2019 AE617G (MAH)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to AE617D/AE620C Order (Briefing on Specified Issues) 04/19/2019 AE620E (AAA)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Response to AE 617D/620C, Regarding Hostilities as an Element of the Charges 04/19/2019 AE620F (MAH)
Government Brief In Response To AE 617D/AE 620C, Order 04/19/2019 AE617E (GOV)
Military Judge Ruling – Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Detailed Military Defense Counsel Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 04/19/2019 AE624H
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to AE617D/AE620C Order (Briefing on Specified Issues) 04/19/2019 AE617F (AAA)
Government Brief In Response To AE 617D/AE 620C, Order 04/19/2019 AE620D (GOV)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Response to AE 617D and AE 620C Issues of Law Regarding Proof of the Existence of Hostilities between the United States and Al Qaeda, the Existence and Duration of Hostilities as an Instructional Matter, the Existence of a Non-Justiciable Political Question, and Judicial Notice as a Matter of Legislative Fact 04/19/2019 AE617H (RBS)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Response to AE 617D and AE 620C Issues of Law Regarding Proof of the Existence of Hostilities between the United States and Al Qaeda, the Existence and Duration of Hostilities as an Instructional Matter, the Existence of a Non-Justiciable Political Question, and Judicial Notice as a Matter of Legislative Fact 04/19/2019 AE620G (RBS)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Permit the Absence of Detailed Military Defense Counsel Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 04/19/2019 AE624G (WBA)
Defense Motion to Reconsider AE 524LLL, Ruling on Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE 524LL, Ruling 04/18/2019 AE524MMM (MAH)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Notice Pursuant to Commission Rulings AE 530GGG and AE 530PPP (Laptop Examination) 04/18/2019 AE530QQQ (MAH)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to AE 624A (Proposed Order of March) 04/18/2019 AE624E (AAA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for 505(h) Hearing 04/18/2019 AE624F (AAA)
EXPEDITED BRIEFING ORDER Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Reconsider the Military Judge’s Denial of Recusal 04/18/2019 AE595GG
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Reconsider the Military Judge’s Denial of Recusal 04/18/2019 AE595FF (AAA)
Motion for an Extension of Time to File a Motion to Suppress in Accordance With AE 524LLL 04/17/2019 AE524-34 (MFL)(RBS)
Military Judge Ruling Mr. bin al Shibh’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel in Accordance with R.M.C. 805(c) 04/16/2019 AE624D
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Motion to Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel in Accordance with R.M.C. 805(c) 04/16/2019 AE624C (RBS)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Updated List of Potential Witness List for Personal Jurisdiction Hearings and Administrative Ruling Regarding Future Filings in the AE 502 Series 04/15/2019 AE502GGGG
UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A) 04/12/2019 AE538N (AAA)
Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A) 04/12/2019 AE523O (AAA)
ORDER Motion for Order Regarding the Parties’ Understanding of the Privileged Written Communications Order AE 018U (Third Amended) 04/12/2019 AE623C
Notice of Detailing and Appearance of Defense Counsel 04/12/2019 AE004II (WBA)
Defense Motion to Dismiss Because the Military Commissions Act of 2009 Is a Bill of Attainder 04/12/2019 AE625 (MAH)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Reconsider AE 523L Protective Order #5 and AE 523M Ruling 04/12/2019 AE523N (AAA)
Government Notice Of Position In Accordance With AE 623A, Order 04/11/2019 AE623B (GOV)
Notice of Receipt of Letters Sent to the Commission 04/11/2019 AE388H
Military Judge Order Government Notice to the Commission 04/10/2019 AE623A
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 04/10/2019 AE624 (AAA)
Docket Order 04/10/2019 AE624A
Military Judge Ruling Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 04/10/2019 AE624B
Classified Audio Recording Testimony of Mr. Castle Placeholder 04/09/2019 AE555KKK
Defense Reply to AE 615CC (GOV SRT), Response by Special Review Team to Defense Motion for Particularized Information Regarding Investigation of Defense Paralegal SSG Skeete 04/09/2019 AE615DD (WBA)
Motion for Order Regarding the Parties’ Understanding on the Implementation of the Privileged Written Communications Order AE 18U (Third Amended) 04/08/2019 AE623 (WBA, RBS, AAA, MAH)
Government Notice Of Audio Recording of Mr. William Castle’s Testimony on 13 November 2018 04/05/2019 AE555LLL (GOV)
Response by Special Review Team to Defense Motion for Particularized Information Regarding Investigation of Defense Paralegal SSG Skete 04/05/2019 AE615CC (GOV SRT)
Order – Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Permanently and Verifiably Disable Audio Monitoring Capability in Attorney-Client Meeting Rooms 04/04/2019 AE133GGG
Military Judge Order Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Communications from the International Committee for the Red Cross Concerning the Existence of an Armed Conflict 1996-2002 and Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Documents and Information Concerning the United States Pre-9/11 Law-of-War Detainees Associated with al Qaeda 04/04/2019 AE617D
Military Judge Order Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Communications from the International Committee for the Red Cross Concerning the Existence of an Armed Conflict 1996-2002 and Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Documents and Information Concerning the United States Pre-9/11 Law-of-War Detainees Associated with al Qaeda 04/04/2019 AE620C
Military Judge Ruling Government Classified Motion 04/03/2019 AE441D
Military Judge Ruling Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Schedule Evidentiary Hearing Regarding Personal Jurisdiction 04/03/2019 AE502FFFF
RULING – Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE 524LL, Ruling 04/03/2019 AE524LLL
Protective Order #5 – Defense Access to Current and Former Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Medical Providers 04/02/2019 AE523L
Military Judge Ruling – Defense Access to Current and Former Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Medical Providers 04/02/2019 AE523M
Defense Reply To Government Response to Defense Motion to Compel Production of Discovery Related to Evidence Provided by the German Government 04/02/2019 AE621B (RBS)
Government Unclassified Notice of Classified Filing 04/01/2019 AE538M (GOV)
Notice of Agreed Order Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Permanently and Verifiably Disable Audio Monitoring Capability in Attorney-Client Meeting Rooms 04/01/2019 AE133FFF (AAA)
THIRD AMENDED ORDER Privileged Written Communications 03/28/2019 AE018U (3rd Amend)
Military Judge Ruling Defense Motion to Adopt Conforming Amendments to AE 18U (Second Amended) 03/28/2019 AE018NNNNN
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 03/27/2019 AE622 (KSM)
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 03/27/2019 AE622A (RBS)
In Court Submision (Statement of Understanding) 03/27/2019 AE622B (MAH)
NOTICE OF ORDER By the United States Court of Military Commission Review 03/27/2019 AE616R (AAA)
Defense Motion to Adopt Conforming Amendments to AE 18U (Second Amended) 03/27/2019 AE18MMMMM (MAH)
Unofficial/Unauthenticated Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 3/27/2019 from 9:01 AM to 11:15 AM 03/27/2019 TRANS
Government Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(h)(2)(A) 03/26/2019 AE616Q (GOV)
Government Response To Defense Motion to Compel Production of Discovery Related to Evidence Provided by the German Government 03/26/2019 AE621A (GOV)
Defense Motion for Particularized Information Regarding Investigation of Defense Paralegal SSG Skeete 03/26/2019 AE615BB (WBA)
In Court Submission (USCMCR Case 18-002 doc dtd 5 Mar 18) 03/25/2019 AE133EEE (GOV)
Supplemental DOCKET ORDER 03/25/2019 AE619B (Sup)
Second Supplemental DOCKET ORDER 03/25/2019 AE619B (2nd Sup)
Notice of Declination of Joinder to Updated Proposed Order of March 03/25/2019 AE619S (KSM)
In Court Submission Slides (Motion to Compel Communications from ICRC) 03/25/2019 AE617C (AAA)
Unofficial/Unauthenticated Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 3/25/2019 from 9:01 AM to 4:38 PM 03/25/2019 TRANS
Military Judge Ruling Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to be Heard 03/24/2019 AE615AA
Government Notice Of Compliance In Accordance With AE 619R, Ruling 03/23/2019 AE619T (GOV)
Military Judge Ruling Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel The Convening Authority to Produce a Complete Transcript of Mr. William Castle’s Testimony on 13 November 2018 03/22/2019 AE555JJJ
Corrected Copy Ruling (U) Defense Motion to Waive Mr. al Hawsawi’s Appearance at the Military Commission Session Scheduled to begin March 25, 2019 03/22/2019 AE619R
Motion to be Heard 03/22/2019 AE615Z (KSM)
Military Judge Ruling Defense Motion to Waive Mr. al Hawsawi’s Appearance at the Military Commission Session Scheduled to begin March 25, 2019 03/22/2019 AE619R
Military Judge Ruling Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Continue Testimony by the Interpreter Currently Scheduled for a Closed Session During the March 2019 Hearings 03/21/2019 AE616P
Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply to Government’s Response to Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Production of Witnesses Whose Testimony is Relevant and Necessary to Address the Legality of Protective Order #4 in AE 524RR (AAA Sup) and AE 524TT (RBS Sup) 03/21/2019 AE524KKK (AAA)
NOTICE OF ORDER By the United States Court of Military Commission Review 03/21/2019 AE616N (AAA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply to Government Response (Updated Proposed Order of March) 03/21/2019 AE619P (AAA)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Reply to Government Answer to Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion to Waive Appearance at the Military Commission Session Scheduled to Begin on March 25, 2019 03/21/2019 AE619Q (MAH)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply to Government Response To Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Compel the Convening Authority To Produce a Complete Transcript of Mr. William Castle’s Testimony on 13 November 2018 03/21/2019 AE555III (AAA)
Consolidated Ruling – Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Reconsider AE 613E/615P Ruling; Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Compel Discovery from Special Trial Counsel; and Renewed Defense Motion to Cancel Proceedings Pending Conclusion of Full FBI Investigation 03/20/2019 AE613G
Consolidated Ruling – Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Reconsider AE 613E/615P Ruling; Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Compel Discovery from Special Trial Counsel; and Renewed Defense Motion to Cancel Proceedings Pending Conclusion of Full FBI Investigation 03/20/2019 AE615Y
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion For An M.C.R.E. 505(h) Hearing 03/20/2019 AE619O (GOV)
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion to Continue Testimony by the Interpreter Currently Scheduled for a Closed Session During the March 2019 Hearings 03/19/2019 AE616M (GOV)
Government Response To Defense Motion to Waive Mr. Hawsawi’s Appearance at the Military Commission Session Scheduled to Begin on 25 March 2019 03/19/2019 AE619N (GOV)
Notice of receipt of Letter Sent to The Commission 03/19/2019 AE388G
Military Judge Order Government Motion to Withdraw AE 575 (GOV) 03/19/2019 AE575K
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for 505(h) Hearing 03/18/2019 AE619M
Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 03/18/2019 AE538L
Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 03/18/2019 AE561I (GOV)
Government Motion To Withdraw AE 575 (GOV) 03/18/2019 AE575J (GOV)
Military Judge Order Expedited Briefing Schedule 03/15/2019 AE616L
RULING – Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Disqualify Colonel Keith A. Parrella, USMC, as Military Judge Presiding in United States v. Mohammad, et al. and Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Transfer AE 595W(WBA), Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Disqualify Colonel Keith A. Parrella, USMC, as Military Judge, to Colonel Douglas K. Watkins, USA, Chief Judge of the Military Commissions 03/15/2019 AE595EE
Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply to Government’s Response to Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Documents and Information Concerning United States Pre-9/11 Law-of-War Detainees Associated with al Qaeda 03/15/2019 AE620B (AAA)
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion To Compel the Convening Authority To Produce a Complete Transcript of Mr. William Castle’s Testimony on 13 November 2018 03/15/2019 AE555HHH (GOV)
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Response to Docket Order (Proposed Order of March) 03/15/2019 AE619K (GOV)
Military Judge Ruling Mr. bin al Shibh’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel in Accordance with R.M.C. 805(c) 03/15/2019 AE619L
Military Judge Ruling Mr. bin al Shibh’s Motion to Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel In Accordance with R.M.C. 805(c) 03/15/2019 AE619J
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Continue Testimony by the Interpreter Currently Scheduled for a Closed Session During the March 2019 Hearings 03/15/2019 AE616K (AAA)
Government Response to Mr. Ali’s Motion to Compel Production of Witnesses Whose Testimony is Relevant and Necessary to Address the Legality of Protective Order #4 in AE 524RR (AAA Sup) and AE 524TT (RBS Sup) 03/15/2019 AE524JJJ (GOV)
Expedited Briefing Order Defense Motion to Waive Mr. al Hawsawi’s Appearance at the Military Commission Session Scheduled to Begin March 25, 2019 03/14/2019 AE619F
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Motion to Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel in Accordance with R.M.C. 805(c) 03/14/2019 AE619G (RBS)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Motion to Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel in Accordance with R.M.C. 805(c) 03/14/2019 AE619H (RBS)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Notice of Detailing and Appearance of Defense Counsel 03/13/2019 AE004HH (RBS)
Defense Reply to AE 615V(GOV SRT), Consolidated Response by Special Review Team to Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Reconsider AE 613E/615P Ruling and Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Compel Discovery from Special Trial Counsel and Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Renewed Defense Motion to Cancel Proceedings Pending Conclusion of Full FBI Investigation 03/13/2019 AE615W (WBA)
NOT USED 03/13/2019 AE619E (RBS)
Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Partial Declination of Joinder to Proposed Order of March 03/13/2019 AE619I (KSM)
Mr. Mohammad’s Reply to AE 615V (GOV SRT) Consolidated Response by Special Review Team to Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Reconsider AE 613E/615P Ruling and Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Compel Discovery from Special Trial Counsel and Mr. bin ‘Attash’s Renewed Defense Motion to Cancel Proceedings Pending Conclusion of Full FBI Investigation 03/13/2019 AE615X (KSM)
Defense Motion to Compel Production of Discovery Related to Evidence Provided by the German Government 03/12/2019 AE621 (RBS)
Defense Motion to Waive Mr. al Hawsawi’s Appearance at the Military Commission Session Scheduled to begin March 25, 2019 03/12/2019 AE619D (MAH)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Notice of Detailing and Appearance of Defense Counsel 03/12/2019 AE004GG (RBS)
Unclassified Notice of Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A) 03/11/2019 AE575I (AAA)
Consolidated Response by Special Review Team to Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Reconsider AE 613E/615P Ruling And Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Compel Discovery from Special Trial Counsel And Mr. bin ‘Attash’s Renewed Defense Motion to Cancel Proceedings Pending Conclusion of Full FBI Investigation 03/11/2019 AE615V (GOV SRT)
Mr. Hawsawi’s Notice of Filing before the Court of Military Commission Review: Joinder to Mr. al Baluch’s Brief in Case No. 17-003 03/11/2019 AE595DD (MAH)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to Docket Order (Proposed Order of March) 03/08/2019 AE619C (AAA)
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion to Compel Documents and Information Concerning United States Pre-9/11 Law-of-War Detainees Associated with al Qaeda 03/08/2019 AE620A (GOV)
UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A) 03/08/2019 AE524III (AAA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Reply to AE 595BB (GOV), Government Response to AE 595X (WBA), Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Transfer AE 595W (WBA) to Colonel Douglas K. Watkins, USA, Chief Judge of the Military Commissions 03/08/2019 AE595CC (WBA)
Military Judge Order Mr. Hawsawi’s Motion to Compel Assistance Enabling Him to Comply With Order AE 530LLL 03/06/2019 AE530PPP
Government Consolidated Response To Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Disqualify Colonel Keith A. Parrella, USMC, as Military Judge Presiding in United States v. Mohammad, et al. and Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Transfer AE 595W (WBA), Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Disqualify Colonel Keith A. Parrella, USMC, as Military Judge, to Colonel Douglas K. Watkins, USA, Chief Judge of the Military Commissions 03/06/2019 AE595BB (GOV)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Decline Joinder to AE 595X (WBA) 03/05/2019 AE595AA (AAA)
DOCKET ORDER 03/05/2019 AE619B
EXPEDITED BRIEFING ORDER Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Reconsider AE 613E/615P RULING, And Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Compel Discovery from Special Trial Counsel, And Renewed Defense Motion to Cancel Proceedings Pending Conclusion of Full FBI Investigation 03/05/2019 AE615U
Military Judge Ruling Pursuant to Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 03/01/2019 AE616J
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Production of Witnesses Whose Testimony is Relevant and Necessary to Address the Legality of Protective Order #4 in AE 524RR (AAA Sup) and AE 524TT (RBS Sup) 03/01/2019 AE524HHH (AAA)
NOTICE OF RECEIPT Of Letter Sent To Chief Trial Judge 03/01/2019 AE595Z
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel The Convening Authority to Produce a Complete Transcript of Mr. William Castle’s Testimony on 13 November 2018 03/01/2019 AE555GGG (AAA)
Renewed Defense Motion to Cancel Proceedings Pending Conclusion of Full FBI Investigation 03/01/2019 AE615T (WBA)
EXPEDITED BRIEFING ORDER Mr. bin “Atash’s Motion to Transfer AE 595W (WBA), Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Disqualify Colonel Keith A. Parrella, USMC, as Military Judge, to Colonel Douglas K. Watkins, USA, Chief Judge of the Military Commissions 02/28/2019 AE595Y
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Disqualify Colonel Keith A. Parrella, USMC, as Military Judge Presiding in United States v. Mohammad, et al. 02/27/2019 AE595W (WBA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Transfer AE 595W(WBA), Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Disqualify Colonel Keith A. Parrella, USMC, as Military Judge, to Colonel Douglas K. Watkins, USA, Chief Judge of the Military Commissions 02/27/2019 AE595X (WBA)
Military Judge Ruling Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Production of Policies and Procedures for the Collection and Preservation of Evidence from Detainees 02/26/2019 AE432C
Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Reconsider AE 613E/615P RULING 02/26/2019 AE615R (KSM)
Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Compel Discovery from Special Trial Counsel 02/26/2019 AE615S (KSM)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Documents and Information Concerning the United States Pre-9/11 Law-of-War Detainees Associated with al Qaeda 02/25/2019 AE620 (AAA)
Third Amended Scheduling Order 02/21/2019 AE578F
UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Compel Discovery Requested In DR-280-AAA 02/14/2019 AE600 (AAA Amend)
UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply to the Government’s Response to Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Discovery Requested in DR-280-AAA 02/14/2019 AE600C (AAA Amend)
Notice by Special Review Team of Redacted Declaration by the Army Counterintelligence Coordinating Authority, AE 613 (GOV), and AE 613A (GOV SRT) 02/14/2019 AE615Q (GOV SRT)
Special Review Team Motion For Leave To File a Notice of Filing Pursuant to the Commission’s Ruling in AE 613E/615P Out of Time 02/13/2019 AE615-1 (MFL)(GOV SRT)
Military Judge Ruling Special Review Team Motion For Leave To File a Notice of Filing Pursuant to the Commission’s Ruling in AE 613E/615P Out of Time 02/13/2019 AE615-2 (RUL)(GOV SRT)
Government Second Notice Of Order by United States Court of Appeals For The District of Columbia Circuit 02/13/2019 AE595V (GOV)
RULING Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Leave To File Amended Copy of AE 600C (AAA) 02/12/2019 AE600-4 (RUL)(AAA)
RULING Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 02/12/2019 AE619A
Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply to Government Response to Mr. al Baluchi’s Supplement to AE 524RR 02/12/2019 AE524GGG (AAA)
RULING Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Leave To File Amended Copy of AE 600 (AAA) 02/12/2019 AE600-3 (Rul) (AAA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Schedule 802 Conference for Tuesday, 23 April 2019 02/12/2019 AE578E (AAA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 02/11/2019 AE619 (AAA)
Military Judge Order Emergency Motion to Preserve Privileged, Confidential Work Product and Attorney-Client Communications 02/11/2019 AE530L (SUP)
RULING Defense Request For Excusal of Detailed Defense Counsel 02/08/2019 AE006M
RULING Defense Motion to Compel Interrogator Statements, Summaries, Reports, Logs, and Notes 02/08/2019 AE534M
Ruling, Defense Motion to Compel Documents Regarding Interrogation Personnel 02/08/2019 AE562R
UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Leave to File Amended Copy of AE 600 (AAA) 02/08/2019 AE600-1 (MFL)(AAA)
UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Leave to File Amended Copy of AE 600C (AAA) 02/08/2019 AE600-2 (MFL)(AAA)
Military Judge Order on Government Motion to Request Substitutions and Other Relief Regarding Classified Continuing and Trial Discovery 02/07/2019 AE542DD
Notice of Under Seal, Ex Parte, In Camera Classified Filing by Special Review Team 02/07/2019 AE613F (GOV SRT)
ORDER Government Motion to Request Substitutions and Other Relief Regarding Classified Continuing and Trial Discovery 02/06/2019 AE419O
Notice of Ex Parte Under Seal Filing 02/06/2019 AE006L (WBA)
Notice of Ex Parte Under Seal Order 02/06/2019 AE593F
ORDER Protective Order For Convening Authority To Protect Defense Team Claims for Compensation 02/05/2019 AE160C (AMEND)
Government Response To AE 524RR (AAA Sup), Mr. Ali’s Supplement to Mr. Ali’s Response to Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE 524LL, Ruling 02/05/2019 AE524FFF (GOV)
RULING Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) 01/31/2019 AE611S
Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply to Government’s Response to Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Communications from the International Committee of the Red Cross Concerning the Existence of an Armed Conflict 1996-2002 01/31/2019 AE617B (AAA)
RULING Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 01/31/2019 AE601E
Government Notice Pursuant to AE 052SS (3rd Sup), Third Supplemental Ruling, Joint Defense Motion for a Stay of AE 051B/AE 052EE to Prevent Irreparable Harm 01/31/2019 AE052AAA (GOV)
RULING Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 01/31/2019 AE118L
RULING Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 01/31/2019 AE133DDD
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 01/31/2019 AE419N (AAA)
RULING Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 01/31/2019 AE574K
RULING Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 01/31/2019 AE600D
RULING Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 01/31/2019 AE575H
RULING Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 01/31/2019 AE599F
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 01/29/2019 AE618B (RBS)
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 01/29/2019 AE618C (AAA)
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 01/29/2019 AE618D (MAH)
In Court Submission (Slides) 01/29/2019 AE614G
Military Judge Ruling Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2) 01/29/2019 AE616I
Unofficial/Unauthenticated Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 1/29/2019 from 2:06 PM to 2:38 PM 01/29/2019 TRANS
Military Judge Ruling Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) 01/29/2019 AE611R
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 01/29/2019 AE618 (KSM)
In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding) 01/29/2019 AE618A (WBA)
M.C.R.E. 505(h) Transcript Placeholder 01/29/2019 AE412Y
Unofficial/Unauthenticated Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 1/28/2019 from 9:11 AM to 4:35 PM 01/28/2019 TRANS
Government Notice Of Objection To Defense Oral Argument of Supplementary Case Law 01/28/2019 AE575G (GOV)
Government Notice Of Order by United States Court of Appeals For The District of Columbia Circuit 01/28/2019 AE595U (GOV)
Government Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(h)(2)(A) 01/28/2019 AE616H (GOV)
Military Judge Ruling on Government Motion For Extension of Time to File a Response to AE 524RR (AAA Sup), Mr. Ali’s Supplement to Mr. Ali’s Response to Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE 524LL, Ruling 01/27/2019 AE524-33 (RUL)(GOV)
Not Used 01/27/2019 AE615O
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Submission of Exhibit Relevant to the Issues Raised in AE 599 (WBA) Motion Series 01/26/2019 AE599E (WBA)
Placeholder 505f Transcript 7 November 2018 01/25/2019 AE412V
Government Unclassified Notice Of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing 01/25/2019 AE419L (GOV Amend)
Second Amended Supplemental DOCKET ORDER 01/25/2019 AE611
Government Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(h)(2)(A) 01/25/2019 AE616E (GOV)
Military Judge Ruling on Defense Request For Excusal of Detailed Military Defense Counsel 01/25/2019 AE006K
Notice by Special Review Team of Declaration by Director of Security, Washington Headquarters Services, Shared With the Commission on 24 January 2019 01/25/2019 AE615N (GOV SRT)
Mr. Al Baluchi’s Notice of Filing a Motion to Join Mr. Mohammad’s Petition For Writ of Mandamus and Motion for Stay of Proceedings in the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit 01/25/2019 AE595T (AAA)
Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Declination of Joinder to AE 611N (AAA) 01/25/2019 AE611Q (KSM)
RULING Defense Motion To Conduct Thorough Inquiry into Actual and/or Potential Attorney Conflict of Interest Pursuant to R.M.C. 901 and Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475 (1978) and to Cancel Proceedings Pending Inquiry 01/25/2019 AE613E
Government Motion For Extension of Time to File a Response to AE 524RR (AAA Sup), Mr. Ali’s Supplement to Mr. Ali’s Response to Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE 524LL, Ruling 01/25/2019 AE524-32 (MFL)(GOV)
Placeholder 505f Transcript 24 January 2019 01/25/2019 AE412X
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Notice of Conflict Affecting Representation of Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Interests in Examining Witnesses and Presenting Argument in the AE 350/616 Series 01/25/2019 AE616G (WBA)
RULING Defense Motion To Conduct Thorough Inquiry into Actual and/or Potential Attorney Conflict of Interest Pursuant to R.M.C. 901 and Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475 (1978) and to Cancel Proceedings Pending Inquiry 01/25/2019 AE615P
Placeholder 505f Transcript 8 November 2018 01/25/2019 AE412W
Not Used 01/25/2019 AE006J (WBA)
Government Notice of Status of Discovery 01/25/2019 AE538K (GOV)
Government Notice of Status of Discovery 01/25/2019 AE561H (GOV)
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion For An M.C.R.E. 505(h) Hearing 01/25/2019 AE611O (GOV)
Government In Court Ex Parte Under Seal Submission 01/24/2019 AE613D (GOV SRT)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Objection to Military Judge’s Order (AE 615H) for Ex Parte Hearing with Government Special Review Team, and Motion for Hearing with the Defense 01/24/2019 AE615L (MAH)
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Motion to Compel Communications from the International Committee for the Red Cross Concerning the Existence of an Armed Conflict 1996-2002 01/24/2019 AE617A (GOV)
Government Notice Of Filing of Exhibits Relevant to AE 350 Motion Series 01/24/2019 AE616F (GOV)
Defense Motion to Decline Joinder to AE 611N(AAA), Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to AE611 Amended Supplemental Docket Order (Updated Proposed Order of March) 01/24/2019 AE611P (WBA)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Motion for Appropriate Relief 01/24/2019 AE615M (RBS)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to AE 611 Amended Supplemental Docket Order (Updated Proposed Order of March) 01/23/2019 AE611N (AAA)
Mr. Mohammad’s Notice in Response to AE 613 and AE 613A Government Unclassified Notices of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filings 01/23/2019 AE613C (KSM)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Reply to AE 615D (GOV SRT) Reply by Special Review Team to AE 615 (WBA), Defense Motion to Conduct Thorough Inquiry into Actual and/or Potential Attorney Conflict of Interest Pursuant to R.M.C. 901 and Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475 (1978) and to Cancel Proceedings Pending Inquiry 01/23/2019 AE615G (RBS)
Mr. Mohammad’s Reply to Reply by Special Review Team to AE 615 (WBA), Defense Motion to Conduct Thorough Inquiry into Actual and/or Potential Attorney Conflict of Interest Pursuant to R.M.C. 901 and Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475 (1978) and to Cancel Proceedings Pending Inquiry 01/23/2019 AE615I (KSM)
Defense Reply to AE 615D (GOV SRT), Reply by Special Review Team to AE 615 (WBA), Defense Motion to Conduct Thorough Inquiry into Actual and/or Potential Conflict of Interest Pursuant to R.M.C. 901 and Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475 (1978) and to Cancel Proceedings Pending Inquiry 01/23/2019 AE615J (WBA)
Government Unclassified Notice Of Classified Filing 01/23/2019 AE360Q (GOV)
Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Objection to ex parte hearing required by AE 615H INTERIM ORDER 01/23/2019 AE615K (KSM)
Amended Supplemental Docketing Order 01/22/2019 AE611 (Amend Sup)
Government Consolidated Reply to AE 614A (AAA), AE 614B (MAH) and AE 614C (RBS), Defense Responses to Government Motion to Compel Notice of Intent to Introduce Expert Mental Health Evidence 01/22/2019 AE614F (GOV)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Notice of Conflict Affecting Representation of Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Interests in Motions Series Related to the Investigation of 9/11 or the Treatment of Mr. bin ‘Atash from His Capture to the Present 01/22/2019 AE611L (WBA)
INTERIM ORDER, Defense Motion to Conduct Thorough Inquiry into Actual and/or Potential Attorney Conflict of Interest Pursuant to R.M.C. 901 and Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475 (1978) and to Cancel Proceedings Pending Inquiry 01/22/2019 AE615H
Notice of Ex Parte/Under Seal Order 01/22/2019 AE337E
Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Filing Petition for Writ of Mandamus and Motion for Stay in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit 01/22/2019 AE595R (KSM)
Government Unclassified Notice of Classified Filing 01/22/2019 AE616D (GOV)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Request for Excusal of Detailed Defense Counsel 01/22/2019 AE006I (WBA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for 505(h) Hearing 01/22/2019 AE611M (AAA)
Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Reply to the Government’s Response to His Supplement to AE 524TT (RBS) Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Response to AE 524NN (GOV) 01/18/2019 AE524EEE (RBS)
Reply by Special Review Team to AE 615 (WBA), Defense Motion to Conduct Thorough Inquiry into Actual and/or Potential Attorney Conflict of Interest Pursuant to R.M.C. 901 and Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475 (1978) and to Cancel Proceedings Pending Inquiry 01/17/2019 AE615D (GOV SRT)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Notice of Conflict Affecting Representation of Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Interests Pursuant to AE 530 (GOV) 01/17/2019 AE615F (WBA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Notice of Conflict Affecting Representation of Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Interests in Filing Pleadings in the AE 616 Series 01/17/2019 AE615E (WBA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Notice of Conflict Affecting Representation of Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Interests in Filing Pleadings in the AE 616 Series 01/17/2019 AE616C (WBA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Communications from the International Committee for the Red Cross Concerning the Existence of an Armed Conflict 1996-2002 01/17/2019 AE617 (AAA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Notice of Conflict Affecting Representation of Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Interests in Filing Pleadings in the AE 614 Motions Series 01/17/2019 AE615C (WBA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to Under Seal, Ex Parte, In Camera, Classified Filing by Special Review Team 01/16/2019 AE613B (AAA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Notice of Conflict Affecting Representation of Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Interests Pursuant to AE 530(GOV) 01/16/2019 AE530OOO (WBA)
Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Notice of Conflict Affecting Representation of Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Interests in Filing Pleadings in the AE 614 Motions Series 01/16/2019 AE614E (WBA)
Mr. Mohammad’s Notice Regarding Non-Filing of Response to AE 350SSS/AE 616 01/16/2019 AE616B (KSM)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Objection to Closure of Interpreter’s Testimony 01/16/2019 AE616A (AAA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Supplement to Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE524LL Ruling 01/15/2019 AE524RR (AAA Sup)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Notice of Ex Parte and Under Seal Filing 01/15/2019 AE593E (MAH)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to Government Motion to Compel Notice of Intent to Introduce Expert Mental Health Evidence 01/15/2019 AE614A (AAA)
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Response to AE 614 (GOV, Government Motion to Compel Notice of Intent to Introduce Expert Mental Health Evidence 01/15/2019 AE614B (MAH)
Defense Response to AE 614 (GOV) Government Motion To Compel Notice of Intent To Introduce Expert Mental Health 01/15/2019 AE614C (RBS)
Government Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(h)(2)(A) 01/15/2019 AE575F (GOV)
Government Notice Of Objection to Ex Parte and Under Seal Filing of AE 530MMM (MAH) 01/14/2019 AE530NNN (GOV)
Mr. Mohammad’s Notice Regarding Non-Filing of Reply to AE 614 (GOV) 01/14/2019 AE614D (KSM)
ORDER Expedited Briefing Schedule and Deferral of Ruling on Motion to Suspend Briefing Deadlines 01/11/2019 AE615B
Government Response to AE 524TT (RBS Sup), Mr. Binalshiibh’s Supplement to AE 524TT (RBS), Mr. Binalshibh’s Response to AE 524NN (GOV) 01/11/2019 AE524DDD (GOV)
Ruling, Defense Motion to Compel The Government to Produce All Phone Bills Seized in the Taliban Embassy Raid and Related Documents 01/11/2019 AE528M
Mr. al Hawsawi’s Notice of Filing in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in the case of In Re Khalid Shaikh Mohammad (Case No. 19-1012) 01/11/2019 AE595S (MAH)
Notice of Ex Parte and Under Seal Filing 01/11/2019 AE530MMM (MAH)
Mr. Mohammad’s Notice Regarding Non-Filing of Reply to AE 555DDD 01/11/2019 AE555FFF (KSM)
Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Suspend Briefing Deadlines Pending Resolution of AE 615 01/11/2019 AE615A (KSM)
Military Judge Order Expedited Briefing Schedule 01/10/2019 AE350SSS
Military Judge Order Expedited Briefing Schedule 01/10/2019 AE616
Notice of Under Seal, Ex Parte, In Camera Classified Filing by Special Review Team 01/10/2019 AE613A (GOV SRT)
Military Judge Ruling on Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Dismiss For Unlawful Influence over Convening Authority and Legal Advisor 01/10/2019 AE555EEE
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for Leave To File a Supplement to Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE524LL Ruling 01/09/2019 AE524-30 (MFL)(AAA)
RULING, Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for Leave to File a Supplement to Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to Government Motion to Reconsider and Clarify AE 524LL Ruling 01/09/2019 AE524-31 (Rul)(AAA)
Defense Reply to Government Response to Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Schedule Evidentiary Hearing Regarding Personal Jurisdiction 01/09/2019 AE502EEEE (AAA)
Defense Motion to Conduct Thorough Inquiry into Actual and/or Potential Attorney Conflict of Interest Pursuant to R.M.C. 901 and Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475 (1978) and to Cancel Proceedings Pending Inquiry 01/09/2019 AE615 (WBA)
Government Response To Mr. Ali’s Proposed Order of March 01/07/2019 AE611K (GOV)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to AE611 (Sup) Docket Order (Proposed Order of March 01/04/2019 AE611I (AAA)
Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A) 01/04/2019 AE118K (AAA)
Government Response To AE 555CC (KSM Sup), Mr. Mohammad’s Supplement to AE 555CC (KSM) 01/04/2019 AE555DDD (GOV)
Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A) 01/04/2019 AE561G (AAA)
Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A) 01/03/2019 AE133CCC (AAA)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Supplement to AE 561 01/03/2019 AE561 (AAA Sup)
Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Leave to File Supplement to AE 561 01/03/2019 AE561-7 (MFL)(AAA)
RULING, Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Leave to File Supplement to AE 561 01/03/2019 AE561-8 (RUL)(AAA)
RULING, Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 01/03/2019 AE611J
Amendment* to Government Response To AE 528J, Interim Order, Defense Motion to Compel the Government to Produce All Phone Bills Seized in the Taliban Embassy Raid and Related Documents 01/02/2019 AE528K (GOV Amend)
Mr. bin Atash’s Motion to Permit the Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel Pursuant to R.M.C. 805(c) 01/02/2019 AE611H (WBA)

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Leonard Bacani is a retired Santa Ana Police Officer and the Founder of HOMELAND SECURITY SERVICES, INC. headquartered in Southern California.HOMELAND SECURITY SERVICES, INC. is a Private InvestigationPrivate Security firm and State Authorized Training Facility. Contact Leonard at for assistance or call the office: (714) 865-1135.          Website:


Linda Forsythe – Volunteer Citizen Journalist, News Commentator & Founder of the C-VINE International Charitable Trust.

This rapidly growing, grass-roots effort is exciting to watch as Patriots join together to MAGA! Continuing to look for volunteers to help with the many various duties that assist in running this massive movement. In addition we request financial assistance on our donation page, to cover the cost of travel expenses for reporting on the Military Tribunals and overhead costs for the C-VINE.COM website:

All this and future Military Tribunal information will be released to the public after Department of Defense final approval & posted on the website.

This article was posted by our C-VINE team of volunteer workers, investigative reporters, and citizen journalists, who make certain all information is vetted for accuracy before publishing. C-VINE News is placed in a Foundation, also called a Charitable Trust and is run by, “We the People”.

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