GTMO ~ Most of the KSM et al 9/11 July Proceedings are Canceled Next Month

July 7, 2023

The 9/11 (KSM et al) hearing session scheduled for 3 – 21 July 2023 is cancelled. No open sessions will occur during this time period.

Additionally, the judge has NOT required the attendance of Mr. Mohammad, Mr. bin ‘Attash, Mr. bin al Shibh and Mr. Ali nor their Counsel to be present at Courtroom #2 at NSGB during that time. Likewise, the Prosecution need not be present at NSGB for the 3 – 21 July period.

On Tuesday, 11 July, the Commission will conduct an ex parte, in camera hearing with Mr. Hawsawi and members of his Defense Team. This is not open to the public.

~~~ Linda Forsythe