April 22, 2019

~ 13 Days of Preparation: Become aware of the significance – it’s very real and actively practiced among us today. Think human trafficing, child sacrifice, fires…
~ John Ratcliff slips up, calling Democrats “Defendents“. Soon, they will be just that!
~ DC foreign bribery industry started by Ted Kennedy and Gregory Craig (Obama’s WH Counsel).
~ Welcome to your Nightly Propaganda News! Fake News media took money from foreign governments to publish their propaganda disguised as ‘news coverage’. Editors and ‘journalists’ at many main stream news outlets became paid foreign agents.
~ BOOM! President Trump suggests John Kerry violated the Logan Act with unprecedented private meetings with Iranian Regime, referring to it as “Shadow Diplomacy”.
~ The Notre Dame Fire: 900- year- old oak “just doesn’t burn like that”– A short must-see video – starting at the 21:30 minute mark.
~ US State Department: Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Sri Lanka.
~ MindFuror – Follow me here:
Comey in NZ
Obama at Notre Dame
Powers in Sri Lanka
Where is John Kerry? Jarrett? Rice? Bill C.? HRC?
Coincidence? Do you find it extremely odd that these people ‘just happen’ to be at these locations – coincidence?
~ Fascinating connection between Q pen photos and LA Military Operations. Keep in mind the Standard Hotel, Adam Schiff, and The Clinton Foundation.
Bonnie Nirgude’, Citizen Journalist for C-Vine Network News
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