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Today’s News Report ~ April 14, 2020

X22 Report vetted for accuracy by C-Vine International News Network

Political and GeoPolitical News / Episode 2148B 

Today’s headline:  “The Truth Is Learned, Never Told,” Countdown to Treason, Blackout Coming

Trump exposes the media. Are you still being fooled?

Barack Obama waited a long time before endorsing a presidential candidate? Was he waiting for Biden’s running mate to come on the scene? Can Biden beat Trump without Voter ID?

Our Founding Fathers signed the Constitution as the rule of law, in spite of epidemics and pandemics.  Are Mayors and Governors overreaching their authority? Many believe so!

President Trump put out a video of the timeline of what he did during the Coronavirus.The media was upset,  accusing him of using tax dollars. Why?  Why aren’t many news outlets live streaming President Trumps pressers?  Isn’t fake news spread by reporting what they think people should hear? Now that all 50 states have signed the Declaration for Emergency, what power does President Trump have over the media?

“The truth is learned, never told.” Have people learned enough for the Trump card to be played? It looks like the time is now.

Please watch video.

Opinion: JoLynn Live, C-VINE Contributor (Based on the X22 Report)

JoLynn LiveJoLynn Live is a Singer; a Wife of 36 years; Home-school mom to 10; Grandma to 11; Chicken Farmer; Patriot; C-Vine contributor.