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BREAKING: O’Keefe Drops Part 2: Bernie 2020 Organizer, “There Are Things More Important Than the Rule of Law in US” – Secret Service Notified Over Trump Assassination Concern

January 15, 2020

O’Keefe strikes again!

Project Veritas on Wednesday released part 2 of his “Expose 2020” series showing a Bernie Sanders field organizer praising Joseph Stalin and saying he had a legitimate reason to use gulags.

Earlier this week Veritas released a video of the Bernie field organizer calling for mass murder of opposition if President Trump wins reelection.

“F*cking cities will burn” if Trump gets reelected Bernie Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek told an undercover Project Veritas journalist.

Kyle Jurek praised Stalin and admitted to participating in Antifa events:

• Jurek Claims That “…Our Prisons, in the United States Right Now, Are Far Worse. Far Worse Than Anything That They Experienced in a F***ing Gulag. Like People Get Raped. People Get F***ing, Work Twelve Hours a Day. People Have to go Fight Fires in California for a Dollar. You Know What I Mean? That’s F***ed up. That’s Super F***ed Up. Soviet Union Didn’t do That S**t.”

• Believes That Americans Opposed to Socialism Must be Re-Educated.

• Jurek: “Like and No Matter What Country and What Laws Were, That Exist, They’re Irrelevant to, There Are Things Greater Than Those Systems, Right? There Are Things That Are More Important Than the Rule of Law in the United States, When it Comes Down to the Existence of the Human Race.”

• Admits to Participating in Antifa Events, Reveals That “A Lot of Them Are Probably on the Bernie Campaign.”

O’Keefe said that the Secret Service was notified over a Trump assassination concern.


Project Veritas will be releasing the undercover videos on their website Expose2020.com this week.

by Cristina Laila


Leonard Bacani is a retired Santa Ana Police Officer and the Founder of HOMELAND SECURITY SERVICES, INC. headquartered in Southern California.HOMELAND SECURITY SERVICES, INC. is a Private InvestigationPrivate Security firm and State Authorized Training Facility. Contact Leonard at LBacani@hssinc.us for assistance or call the office: (714) 865-1135.      Website: http://www.homelandsecurityservices.com

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