Today’s VIDEO Highlights: 9/11 GTMO Brief’s, *Just In: PG&E 2nd Round of Power Outages Around Bay Area Delayed * White House Officially Tells Pelosi and Democrats to “Pound Sand” – Won’t Cooperation with Impeachment Probe * Trey Gowdy Joins Trump’s Legal Team to Fight Impeachment * “It’s Going to Be a Bang-Bang Couple of Weeks” – Rudy and Joe diGenova: IT ALL LEADS TO OBAMA – First Biden, Then Hillary, Then Three Others, Then OBAMA! * Empty NFL Stadium Seats Speak Volumes: National Anthem Matters to Us
All of these New’s Releases, MUCH MORE are posted in detail on our C-VINE.COM Website. Go their daily for up to the minute news. These Daily YouTube News Videos are just meant to give you the highlights and will be attached to today’s News Release on the site
Military Tribunal Brief’s (click the links to read the full articles)
One of the many pre-trial discussions and arguments over the three weeks in the September 2019 Military Tribunals had to with torture of the alleged 9/11 KSM et al terrorists, why the information gathered from them at that time was considered “inadmissible” and why it was thrown out of court.
These proceedings were hard to listen too for many reasons. Not so much about about the inhanced interrogation… but some of the statements made by the alleged terrorists. One thing that was brought about that was considered uniform with all five of the alleged terrorists is that they ALL “Gleefully Bragged” about what they did on 9/11/2001.
During the proceedings, they dealt with one alleged terrorist at a time and over multiple days. Today I will start with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the rules of torture at that time.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) Capture and Torture
Mohammed was captured on March 1, 2003, in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi by a combined operation of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Immediately after his capture, Mohammad was extraordinarily rendered to secret CIA prison sites in Afghanistan, then Poland, where he was interrogated by U.S. operatives.[8] By December 2006, he had been transferred to military custody at Guantanamo Bay detention camp. In March 2007, after significant interrogations, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder of Daniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes.[9][10] He was charged in February 2008 with war crimes and murder by a U.S. military commission at Guantanamo Bay detention camp which could carry the death penalty if convicted. When the Tribunal Judge announced the charges… KSM interrupted and stated; “Not Murder – It was Jihad”.
KSM was pushing for the Death Penalty because he wanted to be “Martyred”.
Who is Khalid Sheik Mohammad? (Wikipedia)
What is Extraordinary Rendition and Black Sites? (Wikipedia)
What was Legal Torture and GTMO Before Obama 2008?
Top News Stories Today (click links to read the full articles)
- Just In: PG&E 2nd Round of Power Outages Around Bay Area Delayed
- White House Officially Tells Palosi and Democrats to “Pound Sand” – Won’t Cooperation with Impeachment Probe.
- Trey Gowdy Joins Trump’s Legal Team to Fight Impeachment
- “It’s Going to Be a Bang-Bang Couple of Weeks” – Rudy and Joe diGenova: IT ALL LEADS TO OBAMA – First Biden, Then Hillary, Then Three Others, Then OBAMA!
C-VINE Patriot Challenge – The Winner This Week
- WHERE IS EVERYBODY??? Empty NFL Stadium Seats Speak Volumes: National Anthem Matters to Us
Office of Military Commissions & KSM et al 9/11 Transcripts for Download (click on links)
U.S. v KSM et al (2) (click on links to download)

Linda Forsythe & Leonard Bacani are Patriot, Volunteer Citizen Journalists and News Commentators on C-VINE News.
Linda Forsythe is also the FOUNDER and architect of the C-VINE Network that includes Breaking News and an International Forum. She is not paid for any of this labor of love.
Leonard Bacani is a retired Santa Ana Police Officer and the Founder of HOMELAND SECURITY SERVICES, INC. headquartered in Southern California.HOMELAND SECURITY SERVICES, INC. is a Private Investigation, Private Security firm and State Authorized Training Facility.
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