May 3, 2021
Opinion: C-VINE Contributor
What is the definition of a vaccine? According to, a vaccine is “any preparation used as a preventive inoculation to confer immunity against a specific disease…”
A measles vaccine usually results in a person being free from getting the measles in their lifetime. Getting the polio vaccine usually results in a person being free from getting polio in their lifetime. Same with the chickenpox vaccine, mumps and rubella.
If we have previously contracted measles, mumps, rubella, etc., we know we do not need to be immunized against these virus; that our bodies create resistance against getting these viruses again.
What about the flu shot? We are encouraged, urged, and in the medical workplace, mandated to get the flu shot every year. Big Pharma knows the flu shot is not a vaccine due to it’s recurrance. This is why it is called a flu shot and not a flu vaccine.
A vaccine is supposed to give enough immunity to the body to hinder it from getting the disease ever again. A flu shot merely buys us some time before the next strain comes around again. Many believe the flu shot has served them well, while others believe it best to let the body fight off the disease naturally.
For those who have been following the facts, we know nearly 10,000 fully vaccinated people have contracted COVID-19. Can we assume additional cases were not reported? Is the number actually higher?
Why is the CDC calling this innoculation a vaccine when it does not promote immunity with certainty to the victim?
If we have previously contracted COVID, and if it really is a vaccine just like with measles, mumps, and chicken pox, etc., shouldn’t we be exempt from having to get the COVID vaccine? If our bodies create resistance against getting these viruses again, why is the CDC pushing this vaccine and calling it a vaccine, if it does not fit the criteria for actually being a vaccine?
In that case, people around the globe are expecting to be COVID-free with this shot when in fact, there are no guarantees.
If we must still wear a mask, social distance, remain in partial lock-down, hinder extra curricular activities; if we can still get COVID, and even die, what is the educated purpose of even getting this shot?
Thousands can attest that taking Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are great medications to take at the onset of COVID symptoms. Wouldn’t these medications be much safer and easier than trying to vaccinate the whole world?
*For more information on the flip side of the vaccine, go to:
Opinion: C-VINE Contributor
At Least 9,245 Americans Tested Positive for COVID-19 After Vaccination; 132 Dead

May 1, 2021, Updated: May 2, 2021
The number of documented so-called breakthrough COVID-19 cases has climbed above 9,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
As of April 16, 9,245 people had tested positive for COVID-19 at least two weeks after getting their final COVID-19 vaccine, the health agency reported. About 9 percent, or 835, required hospitalization, and 132 died.
Of the hospitalized patients, 241 were said to be asymptomatic or having an illness not related to COVID-19, and 20 of the deaths were reported as asymptomatic or not related to the disease, caused by the CCP virus.
The numbers are from 46 U.S. states and territories. It’s not clear which four states aren’t submitting breakthrough case figures to the CDC.
The numbers are likely an undercount because the CDC’s surveillance system is passive and relies on voluntary reporting from state health departments. Additionally, not all breakthrough cases will be identified, because of a lack of testing.
“These surveillance data are a snapshot and help identify patterns and look for signals among vaccine breakthrough cases. As CDC and state health departments shift to focus only on investigating vaccine breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death, those data will be regularly updated and posted every Friday,” the agency said in a statement.
A breakthrough case means a person gets COVID-19 despite being vaccinated and having two or more weeks elapse since his or her final dose. Two of the three vaccines authorized for use in the United States require two doses.
The CDC says the vaccines are still effective, noting that the breakthrough cases represent a small percentage of those who have been vaccinated.
Clinical trials reviewed by drug regulators showed Pfizer’s vaccine to be 95 percent effective in preventing infection by the CCP virus, Moderna’s to be 94 percent effective, and Johnson & Johnson’s to be 66.9 percent effective.
The Johnson & Johnson shot was tested after variants began circulating, unlike the others.
As of April 30, over 100 million Americans have been fully vaccinated against the CCP virus. Fully vaccinated means getting two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Also on April 30, the number of adverse events reported to the passive Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was updated, reaching over 133,000.
The system, which federal authorities encourage people to submit reports to, now has reports of 3,607 post-vaccination deaths.
There were also 2,527 recorded life-threatening cases, over 1,600 cases of permanent disability, and nearly 8,500 cases where patients required hospitalization.
The CDC says on its website that “VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.”
Agency physicians, along with regulators from the Food and Drug Administration, review each case report of death.
“A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths,” the CDC said in an April 27 statement.
News Posted by: C-VINE Citizen Journalist, JoLynn Live! She is a Singer; a Wife of 37 years; Home-school mom to 10; Grandma to 11; Chicken Farmer; Patriot; and an active C-VINE News contributor.
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