Military Tribunal Process for C-VINE News Reporters – The Saga Begins

ANNOUNCEMENT: During the next many months and years, C-VINE News will bring information to the public about the various Military Tribunal trials and pre-trials that are happening in GTMO – Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The interesting process for reporting on these trials will be covered by Alternative Media.  Mainstream Media was not invited. Is this a new trend to come?  We shall see.

On 1/28/19 – 2/1/19; C-VINE News citizen journalists will be at Fort George G. Meade Military Base in Maryland to observe the military commission pre-trial proceedings through LIVE Stream cctv scheduled for United States v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et al in GTMO.

This will be the first of many proceedings we will attend and is scheduled. Volunteer Citizen Journalists from C-VINE will be doing their very best to make our country proud to know that “We the People” have taken charge of how the News is reported.

This rapidly growing, grass-roots effort is exciting to watch as Patriots join together to MAGA.

All this and future Military Tribunal information will be released to the public after Department of Defense final approval & posted on the website.

About the 9/11 War Crimes Trial History in Guantanamo

A Pentagon “Convening Authority” for Military Commissions has twice approved capital murder charges against five detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, naming them as alleged conspirators in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. The five were arraigned on May 5, 2012 at the Camp Justice war court compound at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba. The hearing, held on Saturday, stretched across 13 hours with breaks for the men to pray in the courtroom.

They were earlier arraigned June 5, 2008 during the Bush administration, only to see the process suspended when President Barack Obama took office and declared a time out to review the case. A senior Pentagon official withdrew the charges “without prejudice” in January 2010. Attorney General Eric Holder for a time decided to put them on trial in New York City, not far from where the site of the World Trade Center. But he was met with such fierce political resistance that he returned the case to the Pentagon, whose war crimes prosecutor issued new charge sheets on May 31, 2011, after the court was reformed to afford greater legal rights to death-penalty accused. The Convening Authority at that time, retired Navy Vice Adm. Bruce MacDonald, approved the charges April 4, 2012.


Seven crimes are alleged in the 9/11 sworn charge sheet starting with conspiracy, specifically with Osama bin Laden, other senior al Qaida members and the 9/11 hijackers. They are also charged with committing murder in in violation of the law of war, attacking civilians, and terrorism. Mohammed, bin Attash, Bin al Shibh and Baluchi are also charged specifically with hijacking four aircraft — two that hit the World Trade Center towers in New York, the one that hit the Pentagon and the one that crashed in the western Pennsylvania countryside. According to the Pentagon, the attacks killed 2,976 people. Conviction can carry the death penalty by a method to be chosen by the Secretary of Defense.


The Pentagon has built a $12 million Expeditionary Legal Complex atop a long-ago abandoned runway on the U.S. Navy base’s Windward side. At the center is a snoop-proof courtroom capable of trying six alleged co-conspirators before one judge and jury. Media and other observers are sequestered at the rear in a mostly soundproofed room behind three-layers of Plexiglas, and hear the court audio feed on a 40-second delay. The judge at the front and a court security officer have mute buttons to silence the feed to the observers’ booth, if they suspect someone in court could spill classified information.

Pentagon workers have installed a blue curtain inside the spectators gallery to separate victims, chosen by lottery, from the other observers at the back of the courtroom. See a 2011 Pentagon video tour of the courtroom. Construction of the compound began in the summer of 2007 after a C-130 Hercules cargo plane landed on the McCalla field, the current site of Camp Justice, and delivered three trailers specially equipped for legal staff to handle Top Secret material. Called “Razors,” they look like shipping containers. More materials came by barge, and ground was broken for the court itself on Sept. 11, 2007. In early 2018 the Pentagon disclosed that the trial judiciary had about 730 hours of audio recordings of war court hearings, and that the U.S. military considered even audio of open-court proceedings to be classified. An up to $19 million expansion is underway. The contractor also helped rebuild the World Trade Center after 9/11.

NOTE: Educational parts of this report was provided by the Miami Herald – HERE


By Linda Forsythe – Volunteer Citizen Journalist, News Commentator & Founder of the C-VINE International Foundation.



This article was posted by our C-VINE team of volunteer workers, investigative reporters, and citizen journalists, who make certain all information is vetted for accuracy before publishing. C-VINE News is placed in a Foundation, also called a Charitable Trust and is run by, “We the People”.

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