OPINION: Was The Overturn of Roe vs. Wade Really About Saving The Babies?

June 30, 2022

Members of the Supreme Court in 1972. Seated from left are Potter Stewart, William O. Douglas, Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, William J. Brennan Jr. and Byron R. White. Standing, from left, Lewis F. Powell Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Harry A. Blackman, and William H. Rehnquist.

Patriots May Be Missing The Most Important Point 

By: JoLynn Live – C-VINE News
June 30, 2022

I am pro-life. I have 10 children. I believe abortion is murder and in the spiritual realm, aborted babies are a sacrifice made to Molech.

In biblical times, Molech worshipers believed if they threw their babies into the sacrificial fire, they would gain wealth and prosperity. Today, parents faced with abortion believe their baby will negatively impact their economical future. So, can we agree that abortion is also about maintaining wealth and prosperity? How is this different from Molech worshipers back in biblical days? The similarities are striking!

I believe Conservatives may be missing a very key point with the overturn of Roe vs. Wade if that is the focus. If we continue to propagate the secondary issue, we are missing the very thing we say we are fighting for.
As we know, 49 years ago, the US Supreme Court enacted into law that abortion is legal in all 50 states. So, what is the baseline reason RvW was overturned?
Was it because 6 of the Justices love babies and 3 of them don’t?
Was it becasue they finally realized the definition of a woman?
Is it because abortion is the leading contributing factor to our failing economy?
Or does it even have anything to do with women’s rights or babies?
The US Supreme Court, according to our US Constitution, cannot make laws yet they did 49 years ago.
Lets create some 1973 scenarios:
1). What if the US Supreme Court enacted into law that 45 mph would become the national speed limit? Every Interstate across America through every state had to obey this new speed limit.  What if you or I challenged this speed limit law at the Supreme Court level saying the Supreme Court does not have the authority to make such laws. What if we showed them that the US Constitution says that laws are governed by each state, not by the Supreme Court? What would have been the outcome? This law would have been overturned because it was voted on by a group of people who, 49 years ago, abused their power.
2). What if the US Supreme Court enacted into law the price of gas being $12.00/gallon at every gas station across America and expected each state to obey this law?  What if you or I challenged this gas law at the Supreme Court level saying the Supreme Court does not have the authority to make such laws.  What if we showed them that the US Constitution says that laws are governed by each state, not the by Supreme Court? What would have been the outcome? This law would have been overturned because it was voted on by a group of people who, 49 years ago, abused their power.
The US Supreme Court, according to our US Constitution, cannot make laws yet they did 49 years ago. 
Those of us who understand the US Constituation, know that only each state’s Congress and the US Congress can make laws, not the Supreme Court. So, boiling all this down, was RvW really the issue? No. It was the case at hand which challenged the Supreme Court on their boundaries of power.
They do not have authority to make laws and last week, by overturning Roe v Wade,  they conceded they do not.
We are in the fight of our lives for our freedom. The enemy of the people uses distractions to cause division, confusion and fear. The enemy also knows that our legal lifeline to freedom in America is the US Constitution. If the enemy can distract us from knowing it, using it, and embracing it, even with a wonderful cause, he still holds power over We-The-People because we failed to embrace the most powerful golden nugget we possess… our freedom through the US Constitution.
If Patriots, through our US Constitution, can cause the overturning of one of the most celebrated and embraced practices in Liberal American history,  just think of what is forthcoming with removing the government from our children’s education, our private healthcare and public prayer!  Truly, the best is yet to come!


News Posted by: C-VINE Citizen Journalists.

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