June 29, 2020
Part II of our 5 Part Series on;
“Why Did C-VINE Stop Covering the 9/11 GTMO Proceedings”?
After the world was shut down because of COVID-19, could it be that we are now closer to seeing justice because of some accidental findings.
C-VINE has posted the link to Part 1 of this series (HERE) in case you missed it.
But Today, we are going over some accidental findings that are explosive (no pun intended).
In addition below is a copy of the government Response to the KSM Defense Team Discovery Request” Posted on March 13th, 2020. You may choose to down load the PDF to your device or follow along below as we go over the contents on the video.
The purpose of this 5 part series is to bring, “Behind the Scenes” Information and Pieces of Facts, for the Public to Scrutinize. You decide what you are seeing. Today is about our Accidental discovery.
Yes….C-VINE is back to reporting on the KSM et al 9/11 tribunals! But, reporting is going to take a new direction.

Many have been asking where we disappeared too. After all, for most of 2019, C-VINE jumped through major hoops, and spent a great deal of time watching the Guantanamo Tribunal Proceedings LIVE from a special room on the Ft. Meade Military Base.
Leonard Bacani, Bonnie Nirgude, Linda Houek and I… all sat through, and reported on untold amounts of hours of testimony, sifted through mountains of historical data and verified information from hundreds of pages of transcripts every single day of the Open trials.
So where did we go? There is a good answer… but let’s just say it’s complicated.
We are now in a position to report on multiple, “behind the scene” happenings that will be quite the eye opener. BUT, this will be provided via verified pieces of a puzzle.

In other words, we are going to sift and analyze this together. (The same way our favorite letter of the alphabet does). We’ve decided to do this in a 5 part series, because there is MUCH to review.
This first attached video is the Introduction. It may be in your best interest not to miss any videos that are put out in this series, and DOWNLOAD it while you can.
We are providing information to you in this way because NOTHING we are about to tell you has been PROVEN in a court of law. We are just providing the evidence C-VINE has collected and laying it before “We the People”… the proverbial, “Court of Public Opinion”.
Why are we doing it this way? Because the 9/11 pre-trial proceedings are still no closer to going to trial, than where we were 19 years ago.
#1) An accidental finding on the Office of Military Commissions website: Government (CIA) Response to a Discovery Request from the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, (KSM) Defense Team. (It wasn’t considered “Classified” which is rare and I was actually able to view it). Posted on March 13, 2020
Title: AE 768A (GOV)
Government Response
To Mr. Mohammad’s Motion to Compel
Documents and Information Related to the
Government’s Storage, Transfer, and/or
Sale of 9/11 Crime Scene Evidence
[gview file=”https://c-vine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/C-VINE-KSM-II-AE768AGov.pdf”]
Very interesting. Thank you for teaching us a good source of information.