By JoLynn Live
Oct. 17, 2020 / UPDATED: Oct. 17, 2020

X22 Report: Episode 2304b

‘The X22 Report gives current political daily news.
Please listen to this audio / video for the rest of the report.’



All of the  X22 Report’s channels, along with over 30 other Conservative News Network channels have been scrubbed from the YouTube platform. SGT Report, Red Pill, Praying Medic, And We Know, and others were of those targeted.

Many of those Conservative News Networks created back up channels which were scrubbed, as well. There was no warning, only a notification saying their channels violated terms of service. 

If you are unable to access C-VINE’s website for the summarization of the X22 Report and would like to visit their website, please visit  X22Report.com for an audio of current and more extensive news topics.  

Scroll down and look for ‘The Latest X22 Report.’ In addition, subscribing to the X22 Report’s email list will keep you notified of any new information. 

Town Hall Interview Clearly A Hit Piece 

Aggressor Savannah Guthrie made Trump look like the conqueror and herself, the villain. What NBC obviously didn’t realize is by selecting her personality, her constant interruptions, her rude comments and finger pointing back at the president, allowed viewers to see an optic battle between villain and conqueror.  The conqueror won.

Guthrie bombarded POTUS with questions regarding white supremacy seemingly trying to trap Trump into giving the impression he is one. She pushed the Q Anon theory trying to align them with terrorism. He debunked both.

In Biden’s Town Hall interview,  he was on ABC with Stephanopoulos. Interestingly, one of the ‘questioners,’  Nathan Osburn was a former speech writer for the Obama White House.  He worked for the office of the Public Affairs at the Commerce Dept. under the  Obama/Biden administration. Osburn’s profession was listed as ‘Communications’ on the ABC Town Hall graphic.

The other ‘questioner’ at Biden’s Town Hall, is the wife of former Democrat Candidate, Ezra Nanes. So we can see, this was another set up.

‘The X22 Report gives current political daily news.
Please listen to this audio / video for the rest of the report.’

John Gouldman posted an article on his personal website.  Everyone ignored it except the Gateway Pundit. With permission, they told Gouldman’s story.

His family is behind most of the fake liberal news we see on Facebook. We call it ‘click-bait.’  He says, the president isn’t lying when he says Fake News is the enemy of the people.  He adds, it’s true, the Democrats are in a partnership with the media.  

“For several years, I’ve been one of the biggest liberal ghost bloggers in the United States, even more important than that, my family has been behind most of the fake liberal news. You see on Facebook with my brother Daniel Gouldman, encourging our mother and father to invest in some of his media ventures. This isn’t an all inclusive either but here’s a portion of the list.” John noted accounts like:

Addicting info, Anti-Trump Army, American’s against the Republican Party, Washington Press, Fight Trump, Impeach Trump, etc. Many of these Facebook groups have over a million followers. Here is an article from the Seattle Times explaining how click-bait works. 

Ryan Clayton was the guy who threw Russian Flags at President Trump and Mitch McConnell. He also claimed he was assaulted by James O’Keefe from Project Veritas. ‘Bi-Partisan Report’ is a venture John’s brother has with Justin Brotman the son of recently deceased Costco’s co-founder Jeff Brotman.

In 2016, John’s brother paid for the official Net Roots under his LLC. Net Roots is the largest annual conference. Progressives top democratic politicians speak at their meet-ups every year. YouTube and many others are sponsoring Net Roots this year.

Nancy Pelosi is an investor into this type of thing. These have been created to put out fake information. It’s all connected. With 6 corporations, who REALLY feeds the mainstream media their information? This is NOT investigative reporting, they are being fed information from scripts. 


People are not wanting to wear masks anymore, some businesses are relaxing their mandates.  Even though people still have the china virus, the numbers seem to be going down. Dr. Fauci is saying small gatherings are dangerous but large gatherings like protest, are fine.

The virus is very smart. It knows to only go to small gatherings. Thanksgiving is very dangerous and should be avoided. Are Americans really buying into this? Of course not.

Why are they trying to keep family members away from each other? We see this in hospitals, eldercare homes, governor mandates from Democratic states? Why all the fear?

The virus is real but the news around it is completely fake! In order to keep the fear going they had to show people dying. This is why they brought infected people into nursing homes. 

If this virus is so deadly, why aren’t we seeing homeless peole dying? If this virus was so dangerous, why does it usually take a test to determine if one has been infected?

‘The X22 Report gives current political daily news.
Please listen to this audio / video for the rest of the report.’

The House Republicans are now asking the FBI if they had Hunter’s laptop during Trump’s impeachment. Why is this important? Think critically.

The Washington Times posted: Hunter Biden demanded a Chinese billionaire pay $10 million just for an introduction! Hunter and Joe are in trouble. Joes says he knew nothing but we believe everything will go to the top.  If this was Eric Trump, everyone would be in prison! Such a farce!

When people tried to reply to this post on Twitter regarding Hunter Biden’s corruption, Twitter put up a block which says, ‘Twitter is over capacity. Please wait a few moments and try again.’ Twitter was stopping everyone from retweeting and it was noticed.

Jack Dorsey said he would fix the problem. Are we to believe it was a glitch?  Twitter will add a lable for context which means they will reduce the visibility of those tweets or prevent it from being recommended. This is called shadow-banning and most likely would come without warning. 


The FCC Chairman will be looking at Section 230. Social media companies have the right to free speech but they don’t have a first amendment right to a special immunity denied to other media outlets such as newspapers and broadcasters. Will they be held liable?

The RNC has filed a FEC (Federal Election Campaign Act) complaint against Twitter claiming by limiting circulation of the New York Post article about Hunter Biden’s business dealings, and Joe Biden’s alleged knowledge of those dealings, violated federal campaign finance laws. 


The Patriots knew from the very beginning the DS would use censorship on Social Media. How far are they willing to go against the US Constitution of the United States? As more of this information comes out, it will get more difficult.

Not to worry, the Trump Administration is aware and has a counter plan. How do you bring them out of the shadows?  Now, we have this mountain of data, their own emails, their own texts, their own photos. Trump holds all the information ready to expose it to We the People. Their lies and their cover-ups will take them down.  

‘The X22 Report gives current political daily news.
Please listen to this audio / video for the rest of the report.’

Note: In case of heavy censorship, please bookmark the X22Report.com and also C-VINE.com. 

Opinion: JoLynn Live, C-VINE Contributor (Based on Breaking News Reports and Opinions of the X22 Report)

JoLynn Live

News Posted by: C-VINE Citizen Journalist, JoLynn Live! She is a Singer; a Wife of 36 years; Home-school mom to 10; Grandma to 11; Chicken Farmer; Patriot; and an active C-VINE News contributor.