My wife and I have been traveling full time since we sold our home 4 years ago.
We have an old bus, 1969 Albion, converted to a mobile home and we live in it and love it.
Not a “Flash one” but a good one.
We are back on the road now after my wife, Lorraine, needing major surgery on Christmas eve, and when she was rehabilitating we stayed with our daughter, as her health improve we moved back into the Bus to assist with the rehab. The bus was parked at our granddaughters property at Kurrajong and Here is the view looking towards the west.
Kurrajong is on the north western outskirts of Sydney and is at the foot of the Great Dividing Range commonly called the “Blue Mountains”.
We departed on the 7th May and drove towards Singleton and stayed the night at Grey Gums Cafe which has a large area for campers and caravans. This part of the trip is on a very windy road thru mountainous terrain. We had planed to stop here after the 92Km drive with the hope of seeing kangaroos which we did the next morning.

After Breakfast we drove to Buladelah which was our next planned stop and we were going to stay here for three days. this was a bigger drive, 225Km, but as it was mostly on freeway the driving was easier.
Buladelah is a small town on the Myall river and the Lions Club have provided a free camp on the bank of the river. After a leisurely walk into town for supplies, butcher, baker grocer, we rested up in preperation for the next days drive. Our friend at Wauchope who we planned to visit in a few days requested we come the next day.

We drove up the freeway, which is dual lane each way in good time considering the speed we travel at, I try to drive around the 80Km as that gives me the best fuel economy and dose not stress the engine too much.
The trip from Buladelah to Wauchope was 150Km and when we arrived at our friends house we parked up and will be here for about 4 weeks. We have to return to Sydney for Lorraine to see the specialist so we will be traveling by train and once again staying at our daughters for the week.