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X22 Report: Eye of The Storm!

April 10 2020

HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY, 4/10/20, Patriots! Could today be “the eye of The Storm”??? 

General Flynn has once again changed his Twitter banner image, and we know what that means.

Pain. Is. Coming!

Buckle up for this Epic report, chock full of BOOMS!  Grand Jury subpoenas, anyone….?

Watch the Video!   X22 Report 4-10-20 Vetted by C-Vine

Kris Harper~ for C-Vine News.

Born Awake! Truth Seeker, Justice Demander, Light Warrior, Pattern Decoder, Dot Connector, Member of Humanity Tribe of ONE. 20 years in trenches… Manifesting Change We can Believe in, who’s Time is NOW! WWG1WGA!