Become a C-VINE Volunteer!

Two of our volunteers, Linda Houck and Bonnie Nirgude in Washington DC on July 4, 2019
C-VINE is completely run by Patriot Volunteers... and was created as a Freedom Base for "We the People' to work from GLOBALLY. Most of the work is accomplished on-line. Those who have become volunteers, have found themselves in a close-knit family unit of vetted, and trusted friends from all over the world. We combine our talents and experience, working together for the future of our families so they may continue to live in Freedom.
The following areas are the types of volunteer positions available. Choose where you passionately want to donate your time. You will be mentored on how to provide your services and given an orientation. Most of these volunteer positions can be conducted behind a computer screen as various types of digital soldiers - so this is perfect for those with limited mobility.
If you are NEW to C-VINE, click the link to learn who and what we are: https://c-vine.com/about_us/
Click the appropriate box
The "I" in C-VINE stands for Investigations and is an integral part of who we are. This Volunteer Hub of "We the People" are seeking retired or active Law Enforcement, Military, Intelligence Agencies and Legal Representatives who will form a CO-OP to investigate breaking news stories or vetting existing releases for accuracy. We also have teams out in the field working behind the scenes to search out new information and possibly help authorities uncover crimes. A history of investigations background experience will be helpful. ALL applications are carefully screened and will be required to submit to a background check.
The “N” in C-VINE stands for NEWS and this team is responsible for the written content on the C-VINE website and social media pages. We have a team of editors, writers, type-setters, and individuals who vet articles for placement. Our team works closely with the other appropriate volunteer hubs, such as the Investigations Task Force and the Art & Design Brigade. We are the News NOW!!!
This Volunteer Hub is responsible for keeping a safe learning environment for “We the People” to ask questions, and have discussions/debates on social media or our FORUM. Everyone must respect each other at all times. Moderators will not tolerate disruptive behavior. Trolls, trouble makers, or individuals attempting to hijack a discussion are removed immediately, just like they would be in any classroom.
The C-VINE Art and Design team will consist of graphic designers, web designers, artists, editors, videographers, and social media marketers who will be responsible for the design of company-wide graphics. This may include graphics for the website, videos and social media, as well as maintaining the C-VINE store and updating with new products when needed. This team will work closely with the Technical Support Team and Citizen Journalist Task Force, as well as any other team who may need assistance with graphics and support.
Volunteer Hubs Coming Soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!