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VIDEO: The Plan to Save the World

May 17, 2019

Here is the remastered version of the classic “The Plan to Save the World” 

…A reminder to our precious C-Vine members of who we are and why we are here.  This is no conspiracy, and the Left calling it such doesn’t change the fact that this video is 100% Truth.

I have to say, this video wins top prize as the greatest of all videos. 

Please watch, and be not only informed, but encouraged, as we continue to learn and expose The Real Conspiracy – the Deep State’s hidden, yet not-so-subtle planned takeover of the USA and ultimately the entire world. 

We must first KNOW who the enemy is before we can have victory over the enemy, and always remember, “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free”. 

Be Encouraged!

Bonnie Nirgude’ for C-Vine Network News