Dr. Simone Gold Explains Why Trump Encourages the COVID Vaccine

Brad Barton Interview

June 17, 2021 AFLDS.ORG Interview with Dr. Simone Gold who mentions what might be the scenario why President Trump approved the COVID vaccine and Operation Warp Speed. It was NOT Trump’s fault.

Most of the blame falls on bad advice from Dr. Anthony Fauci, and also the fact that Operation Warp Speed project was hijacked away from Trump’s control. No animal testing was done to ensure better safety.

Posted by Phil Ingram, C-VINE Volunteer Citizen Journalist

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One comment

  1. Does Trump know about THE MAGNET CHALLENGE whereas those who have accepted ‘the jab’ are suddenly magnetic? SEE COMPILATION: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7kxdHUfMVxLk/ — There’s speculation of THEIR VACCINES could have harbored an RFID Chip aka ‘the chip’, and ModeRNA Vaccine is stripping iron from the blood, ensuring many funerals within 6-12 months. Also speculated, proteins are airborne, so nearly everyone is being affected from THEIR VACCINES. This could explain why nearly a thousand vaccinated mother’s breastfed their unvaccinated babies who died. IF this is true, the most people to survive have already went off the grid in hiding OR they’ve taken a serum of which the public is not aware of. ARE WE IN GRAVE TROUBLE? I’ve told my family and friends since we do not know far evil these Corrupt DEMS have gotten in the DEM DEPOPULATION PLAN (which is IN FULL AFFECT), you should Get Your Affairs in Order AND Get Right With GOD.

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