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Mike Pompeo Gives Historic Speech at #CPAC

February 27, 2021

On Day 2 at CPAC ~ Mike Pompeo was ON FIRE as he Outlined the Accomplishments of the Last 4 Years.

He Brought Multiple Reminders on How the MSM and the Left Had Nothing Better to Do Than Fear Monger How the Trump Administration Would Start WWIII when he first got into office.

He talked about North Korea and how they stopped testing Nuclear Missiles and a friendship was formed.

He mentioned how MSM stated we would start a war if we moved our embassy to Israel.  No war started.

Listen to the attached taping of his speech as you feel American pride on how giving the American worker a voice, raising the economy and building up our military, gave us respect and strength again.

Be reminded about how many peace accords were signed and why Trump was nominated for the Noble Peace Prize.

After you listen, then take note of the headlines of MSM who reported on “their take” of this historic talk.  My personal favorite was from Forbes Magazine that immediately popped up after he finished; “Pompeo Slams the Biden Administration in CPAC 2021 speech”.

Why am I not surprised?

Many have asked when Mr. Donald Trump will be speaking?

The 45th president is due to speak this weekend at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference on day 3. The annual three-day summit of conservatism is already underway, but you have to scroll all the way to the end of the CPAC agenda to find Mr. Trump, who is set to close out the event with the final address. He is scheduled to take the stage at 3:40 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday.

Something tells me his speech will have an unprecedented listenership.

~~~ Linda Forsythe