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RedPill78 – Not a Fan of No Name

March 19, 2019 – Another great informative show from RedPill78:
•   No Name:  “I was never a fan of John McCain’s and never will be”, says President Trump, referring to (the now-executed) Senator that was neither Dem or Rep, but a puppet, a trained obstructionist of President Trump’s agenda.

•  Electoral College:  Why do the Dems want to “get rid of it”?  Simply stated – because they hate Middle America and want elitist, high-density California and New York to control our future elections. See the map!

•  C-Vine, Linda and Leonard:  “The Saga of the Deep State and Lone Citizen Journalists – Patriots Silent No More!”  You’ll just have to listen to believe it!

•  Nomination Pulled:  Trump pulls the nomination of Kathleen Ann Kavalec, a State Department official awaiting confirmation as Ambassador to Albania. Good Reasons for doing so!

•  Social Media Censorship:  “Something needs to be done to combat the anti-conservative bias and collusion by social media companies… we have to get to the bottom of it”, says President Trump. “Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and Face Book CEO Mark Zuckerberg, both lied their faces off.”  Big Time. 

•  Supreme Court sides with Trump over Sanctuary Cities in Deportation case:  A close 5/4 vote on detaining illegals with criminal offenses.


Bonnie Nirgude’, Citizen Journalist for C-Vine Network News


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