Suggested Read: The Plot Against The President

November 1, 2019

Need a good book to curl up with on a cold evening?

This book reveals Inside information from the 2016 election that lends insight into the kind of war we are in, as we move toward the 2020 election.

A C-Vine suggested read!

Fellow Conservative,

“It is an honor to be featured in the Amazon top seller, The Plot Against the Presidentwhich details my fight against the deep state and exposes how close the radical left came to reversing the 2016 election.” – Devin Nunes

Investigative journalist Lee Smith uses his unprecedented access to Congressman Devin Nunes, former head of the House Intelligence Committee, to expose the deep state operation against the president–and the American people.

As a citizen journalist and investigative reporter, I am committed to accurately reporting the news. Wide awake, never asleep, I grew up in a 1960’s patriotic household, aware of the truth behind the false narrative.