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How does the take-down of Jeffrey Epstein become the first domino to take out the massive rabbit hole of dominos lined up?  Why choose Jeffrey to be that first domino? HOW can he have anything to do with massive world-wide corruption, 9/11 terrorist attacks, Las Vegas Terror attacks, Benghazi, Child Trafficking, Drug Running, Selling of ARMs (including Nuclear) and so many other heinous atrocities too numerous to mention? Because they are all connected through the same group of people within the Epstein gang of buddies..

On Today’s C-VINE News Release, we will discuss some of our research and fact findings with you.  We did the research, you as the court of public opinion decide what is true. We don’t tell you… but provide the DISCOVERY. You may watch the attached video, or read along here and click on the links provided for you.

Actually, President Trump told us all where to look when he was still a Presidential Candidate.  Do you remember him advising, “Follow the Money?”

For C-VINE, our fact-finding mission began when we were researching the Military Tribunals.

C-VINE has been Reporting from KSM et al (9/11) Military Tribunals Since January 28, 2019, Streamed LIVE via CCTV from GITMO to Ft. Meade Maryland:

It is through the KSM et al pre-trial Tribunals where interesting things have been coming out. Pre-trials are normally very mundane and tedious because it is meant to take care of finer details such as Motions put out by Legal and Rulings put out by the Tribunal Judge months before the actual trial takes place.  But a mosaic has been coming together because of bits and pieces.  If you keep up with it… you begin to see the entire picture.

Be aware that C-VINE came about through a massive grass roots effort filled with citizen journalists, private investigators, attorneys, and every-day tradesmen, or the retired from all walks of life that joined together to create a Charitable Trust (Foundation) that is owned by no one, but created as a way to work together for truth in the news.  We are ALL volunteers. We have become a massive patriot family and we love working together for our country.

Here are the main four of the 9/11 Tribunal Investigators and Reporters. None of them knew each other a year ago.

They now all work closely together as a team.

From left to right: Linda Forsythe, Leonard Bacani, (Traveling back from live Tribunal coverage)  Linda Houek and Bonnie Nirgude. (In D.C. during July 4th Celebration).

If you are a Patriot, we need more volunteers to help with editing, investigations, becoming a digital warrior wherein we all work together to get the news out there via social media, fund raising for the foundation, admins and moderators on our forums, citizen journalists, helping with graphics, video editing and filming etc.

Our volunteers are called, “The White Hat Brigade”.  You can donate to the Foundation also to help cover our overhead. CLICK HERE

Is Epstein the First Domino to Bring Down the Rest?

The rabbit hole with Epstein is so deep, wide, multi-faceted and multi-directional, it is certainly enough to make one dizzy!

Epstein Island is a hotbed of infestation and a center point or even command center for wild sex parties… many with under aged children, child trafficking, Satanic Rituals that included child sacrifice, (including babies), cannibalism, and much, much more. Q said, “Their symbolism will be their own un-doing”.

Epstein is connected to the rich, famous and powerful throughout the world.  It is through any type of playing on Epstein Island that has caused many to become victims of blackmail and virtual puppets to their puppet masters.  So, how much do you think this incredibly rich, powerful man with close ties to the World Top Elite could bring down the entire cabal, one domino at a time because of this arrest?  Do you think he will sing?: CLICK HERE

Another Q post of interest came on August 15th, 2018 where Q said; “US and Saudi Arabia Working to Shutdown Global Human Trafficking Networks”. In this Q post, Epstein Island is highlighted in red, stating access closed.  Below that, are other listings of Haiti, North Korea, China, Russia, Cuba, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia.  All of them at that time were also saying, “Access” closed, or access pending government approval.

And then there is the frantic spending of millions to close down the tunnels underneath the temple that led to a playground for these sick and depraved individuals.

STEP ONE OF DISCOVERY: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Tells REPORTS TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE MISSING from U.S. Treasury:

Remember when Rumsfeld made this speech about the trillions of $$$ missing on Sept. 10, 2001….the day BEFORE 9/11?  They tried (and are STILL trying) to discredit him as fake news when he had all the receipts. 

Who is al Baluchi and Why you Need to Know?

As we have been covering the KSM et al 9/11 Military Tribunals, al Baluchi is a regular player that keeps coming to the forefront. al Baluchi is the proverbial “Money Man” Incarcerated at GITMO for his alleged involvement and planning of the 9/11 attacks.  He is also one of the many voices identified by a linguist on the FBI Surveillance and taping of the 118 phone calls discussing the terror orchestration and planning.  I’ve been saying from the beginning that this guy is the key here.  I personally believe he is just a minor player and a proverbial hired henchmen.  BUT, he knows who the other players and orchestrators are. The people at the top.  His bosses.

A great deal of time and effort has been going into keeping what he knows from getting out to We the People, the 9/11 victims and family members. But things have just recently changed because of new rulings and orders from the top. In the meantime….


  1. In the transcripts from March 25th of the KSM et all proceedings, it was brought out that one of the identified taped subjects came from “an Institution” among the many others identified by a linguist, but being kept Top Secret. (FBI taped 118 calls withing 25 lines of individuals planning 9/11 from April to Oct, 2001). Stay tuned for the new ruling that just came out.
  2. The accused plotters were charged on June 6, 2008 but President Barack Obama halted that trial to consider whether to hold it in federal court in New York City, and to ultimately REFORM the military commissions in collaboration with Congress in 2009. The reformed war court gave the accused Pentagon Capital Defense counsel, and forbade the use of coerced testimony or statements derived from torture in confessions by the accused. It takes time to reverse those rulings as being unconstitutional.
  3. Defense Counsel of al Baluchi has been arguing to have his trials moved to federal court with the argument that at the time of Baluchi’s alleged atrocities, they were not technically at war, so therefore he should be tried in a federal court and not a military tribunal. If it is ruled to be moved to federal court, could this set a precedent for the others and cause certain problems for We the People in learning of the identities in the taped conversations?
On July 3RD, C-VINE made the following post on their Facebook Group page for discussion with their 15,000 active members; CLICK HERE TO VISIT GROUP:
“The Court of Military Commissions Review just gave 9/11 defense lawyers a rare victory, ordering the new judge (Cohen) to review his predecessor’s order to close the court for unclassified testimony by a former CIA/war court interpreter. (The linguist who identified voices on FBI taped recordings of 9/11 planners before attacks). I mentioned at the time during our video analysis, (when Judge Parrella had CLOSED the proceedings for the next day 1/30) that this was against Trumps EO. The EO went into effect this Jaunuary 2019, right before these proceedings started.
The closed proceedings were to discuss linguist testimony about al Baluchi and what was heard. Right after Judge Parrella gave that order, he had the detached retina medical emergency, and had to be airlifted off GITMO. That emergency canceled the proceedings for the rest of the week.
The contract linguist mentioned above….last appeared in court on Feb. 9, 2015, when 9/11 defendant Ramzi bin al-Shibh said he recognized him from a black site. It sounds like Tribunal spectators might be able to hear the former contract linguist testify at the July 22-27 hearing, perhaps see him.
If in Open Court:  Could we then hear the names of the 9/11 planners identified without redactions? We may soon find out in the next scheduled week of KSM et al proceedings in just a couple weeks. ??

Obtained tapings were from April to October 2001 and came from 25 separate phone lines. CLICK HERE to learn more about the history and BIO of al Baluchi.

Fox News Alert Disappears

9/11 Victims and Family Members File a Suit in New York Federal Court, (one of many) demanding release of names to the planning of the Terror Attacks. This was our first flag to go down this Rabbit Hole. CLICK HERE

What Saudi Official was the 9/11 Family Member Talking About? Who is al-Waleed bin Talal?

THIS guy is another major player that bears close scrutiny.  He most definitely has a history we should take the time to look at. CLICK HERE

New Alliance with Saudi? There is a New Saudi “Sheriff” in Town!

It has been said the Saudi’s were in league with the Rothschild’s and Deep State. Some very troubling events have been attributed to them.  BUT there is now a “New Proverbial Sheriff in Town”.

Remember Trump’s first visit abroad was to Saudi. Trump made a deal with Salman. Clean up the corruption. Cut off Al Waleed’s influence in the US political sphere and in return, Trump would support Salman and allow AMRCO to resume trading on the NY stock exchange. When Trump tweeted a couple weeks before the Las Vegas terror attacks that he wished Crown Prince Salman would trade on NYSE – the tweet appeared to be Salman’s “go ahead signal”. Soon after that is when the proverbial chips hit the fan. 

Was the Las Vegas Terrorist Attack a Coup?

Transcript from a radio show discussing the Las Vegas shooting and the connection to what is/was happening in Saudi Arabia.  They are connected.

CREDIT TO:  JoAnne Moretti – Proof Negative Radio Show: REAL Patriot News 11/6/17 (Archive Link) starts at  1hr 41 minutes into broadcast.

I’ll start at the beginning:

There was a King Fasal who had a son, Prince Alwaleed, bin Talal.
King Fasal took ill and named his brother Salman as king in his place.
King Salman has named his son an heir to the throne, instead of his brother’s son Prince Al Waleed.
Al Waleed is a Wahabbi. Salman is Suni.
Wahabbi is extreme Islam.
Salman wanted a more modern, non-extreme Islam for Saudi. That’s why he named his own son as heir.
In Las Vegas, Prince Al Waleed owned the upper floors of the Mandalay Bay resort, including the 32nd floor that was one of the points of shooting at the strip.
I say one of the places, because the witnesses were all correct. There were other locations, too.
The Mandalay Bay has a heli-pad on the roof. That is important, because that was the escape route after the carnage.
Paddock was a pilot. He was also a gun runner between the Philippines and the US.
He was running guns for Prince Al Waleed.
He didn’t win at the casino. Those millions came from smuggling.
On the night of the attack, I found out that King Salman was in Las Vegas. (I didn’t know that part until after the show and I received a missing piece of info.
Salman was at the Tropicana.

Paddock was victim one.
Others were used to shoot at the country music venue.
That was to create chaos and distract from the real target over at the Tropicana.
Al Waleed’s assassins shot from Mandalay bay, but they also were at the Tropicana trying to kill Salman.
That explains why there were shooters on the ground as well as in the air.
Remember the videos of the helicopter fly over.
I asked why a helicopter would be there when there was a shooter high up.
It wasn’t news, or cops.
It was the assassins who ran up the stairs to the roof from the 32nd floor.
Remember they sealed the door to the stairwell?
Paddock had access to the service elevator, because the boss said he could use the elevator.
Nobody questioned him.
Meanwhile the assassination attempt on Salman failed.
Now we are seeing the result of the failed attempt.
It was not only an assassination attempt and a terror attack, but an attempted coup in Saudi.
This is why everyone shut up in Las Vegas.
The response is still ongoing.
You are watching it play out.
As I said, I spoke on air about this.
I will post links in comments to prove my story.
Las Vegas was definitely a terror attack.
Al Waleed, the owner of the suite, was who is behind all of it.
All the witnesses citing multiple shooters all told the truth.
There were shootouts along the strip and in Mandalay Bay & Tropicana hotels.
The reason nobody is talking is it’s not over yet.

CLICK HERE for rest of article.


In a two-part Twitter message sent from Tokyo, Trump said he has great confidence in King Salman and the crown prince, adding some of the arrested people “have been ‘milking’ their country for years!”

The Trump administration had been quiet about the unprecedented arrests of dozens of Saudi Arabia’s most powerful princes, military leaders and ministers, which are widely being seen as a consolidation of power by the nation’s 32-year-old crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. The crackdown began Saturday with little warning.

Trump News 24/7 @MichaelDelauzon 5h5 hours ago

Photo: Humiliation of the Saudi billionaire and his fellow princes photographed sleeping on bare mattresses for corruption.

9:28 PM – 6 Nov 2017

Trump News 24/7 @MichaelDelauzon 5h5 hours ago

Did Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman Bait Hollywood?

Fairly soon after the Las Vegas attack, Crown Prince buys out 4 Seasons and other High End Hotel Rooms Close by the Hollywood Elite: CLICK HERE

UK signs Order to Release and Extradite Assange Back to United States


I am very much looking forward to the next KSM et al Military Tribunals starting on July 22nd! Now that the Military Commissions Review ordered Judge Cohen to re-evaluate the previous judge’s decision to close proceedings during the CIA witness testimony, we may very well hear in open court a list of names al Baluchi spoke with, the “institution” that was involved, and information that Baluchi spilled under “enhanced interrogation”.

We shall see.  But the time of all this is certainly interesting.

Linda Forsythe: is a Patriot Volunteer Citizen Journalist and News Commentator in C-VINE News.

She is also the FOUNDER and architect of the C-VINE Network that includes Breaking News and an International Forum. She is not paid for any of this labor of love

The Network includes a section for Education and many Social Media pages where the public can discuss or research News Stories.  In addition, a Citizen Journalist Program and Licensed Investigators Team works closely in tandem with the public to bring Late Breaking News. ALL are volunteers.

There was no better way to do this than to have the citizens of the world be in charge of the news and education… NOT the Government or “For Profit” Main Stream Media.

C-VINE International is placed in a Charitable Trust to be run by the public and C-VINE Foundation Trustees. C-VINE is supported by donations, and volunteers. Zero advertising is allowed and is not monetized.

Click Here for Linda’s Facebook Page.

Leonard Bacani  is a C-VINE Volunteer who donates a significant amount of his time for investigations and Foundation Operations. Leonard is a retired Santa Ana Police Officer and the Founder of HOMELAND SECURITY SERVICES, INC. headquartered in Southern California.HOMELAND SECURITY SERVICES, INC. is a Private InvestigationPrivate Security firm and State Authorized Training Facility. Contact Leonard at LBacani@hssinc.us for assistance or call the office: (714) 865-1135.      Website: http://www.homelandsecurityservices.com

Click Here for Leonard’s Facebook Page