Take Up The Shield of Faith With Which You Can
Extinguish All the Flaming Arrows of the Evil One
By JoLynn Live
Oct. 10, 2020
X22 Report
‘The X22 Report gives current political daily news.
Please watch or listen to this video for the rest of the report.’

The Patriots are hitting the Deep State very hard with facts which places the DS on defense. The lies they have told the American people are being revealed.
As the Russian Collusion investigation continues to unfold, it is opening doors into Uranium One, Clinton’s emails, the pandemic, etc. Many have only been watching the MSM and have no clue what the truth is.
Steve Scully was an intern for Joe Biden many years back. He was scheduled to moderate the second debate (which now, may not happen). He recently tweeted out to Scaramucci, “Should I respond to Trump?” Scaramucci replied, “Ignore. He is having a hard enough time. Some more bad stuff about to go down.”
Was Scully thinking he actually sent this as a private message only to realize he sent it to the whole world? The message was left up for hours. After over 380 retweets, the entire account was removed. Finally, the twitter account was restored and the conversation was deleted. Later, Scully claimed his twitter account was hacked.
Did they hack his account to make ONE tweet? Don’t hackers usually create more than one tweet? If he was hacked, will Twitter report this occurence to the FBI for investigation? Perhaps this was a hack by the Russians or the Chinese. If there was a hack, might this be election interference? Or … did Scully accidentally post his tweet publicly?
John Durham is investigating the story of Alpha Bank, and Russian Collusion. Now we know for certain the whole thing was made up. They gave false information to the government. This is considered criminal. Trump wants all the documents around Russia Collusion declassified. Now it will show the media and the corrupt politicians have been lying to the American people for years! What is Durham finding?
President Trump was on the Rush Limbaugh show, discussing Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails and smashed phones. He said Pompeo has been investigating this. Pompeo later admitted to possessing those 33,000 deleted email and was ready for public release. Will Hillary go to Prison?
‘The X22 Report gives current political daily news.
Please watch or listen to this video for the rest of the report.’
Proof of ballots being sent to the deceased is numerous. Gov. Newsom is denying that multiple ballots are being sent out to each address, but the people have the proof!
The Federal Appeals Court blocked the decision to extend the deadline for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin. These ballots must be in by 8:00 PM on Election Day.
The numerous people who are on Epstein’s flight logs are all endorsing Joe Biden. Isn’t that interesting? The medical community; Scientific America, and the New England Journal of Medicine are backing Biden. Why?
Trump had COVID, took a therapeutic instead of the recommended medication. He was cured within days. Is the medical establishment afraid? What are they hiding? Cancer cures? Alzheimer cures? Chatter has begun!
The NFL and NBA’s ratings have dropped significantly because of their endorsement of BLM. Word has it the NBA will remove the BLM logo from their gear next year.
YELP will begin labeling businesses that are ‘accused’ of racist behavior. Anyone can accuse. Can YELP back up with facts before they claim a business is racist? Class-action lawsuits are very effective! This will not end well for YELP. Perhaps they ought to take lessons from the NBA.
An attempted kidnapping of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (MI) recently took place by an admitted Trump-hater. The Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement announced they stopped this plot. Did Whitmer thank President Trump and those involved? No! Instead, she called Trump a White Supremacist, and Biden pointed the finger at Trump supporters.
The missile photo in post 4833 says it is bigger than Pelosi’s attempt to enact the 25th Amendment. The depth of this is very serious. Nothing is random. Everything has meaning. Please follow ‘The Posts.’
‘The X22 Report gives current political daily news.
Please watch or listen to this video for the rest of the report.’
Now that Russia Collusion is a proven lie, when do the trials for treason begin? Obama, Brennan, The Clinton’s, Holder, Clapper, Comey and others are named in this.
Post 4836: ‘Was the 25th amendment ‘arrow in the quiver’ planned? How long ago? Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19? Recovery unexpected? Impossible to unwind? Next: ‘mentally incapacitated’ re: C19 language [“people are dying”] _safety and security to the well being ………. Combat tactics.’
The Patriots knew their plan. Trumps administration created Warpspeed, he knew they would try to infect him, he had HCQ, etc.. He headed them off. They never thought he would come out alive and they are shocked. Now, he will distribute REGENERON to all the hospitals for free.
Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR Missile fight.
Trump tweeted, “Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The Dems want that to happen fast bacause Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!” Will they say Joe is unfit, remove him under the 25th Amendment health concern clause and replace him with Kamala or someone else?
What happens if CIA was actively involved in domestic target and surveillance of US persons? They would have had to get special permission from the Director of National Intel. (Clapper), the Director of the CIA (Brennan) and the Attorney General (Loretta Lynch). Did these people sign off on the surveillance?
The Patriots know the playbook. If COVID was so deadly, why don’t the numbers reflect it?
2020: 2,838,000 [3-month assumption insert]
2019: 2,855,000
2018: 2,839,000
2017: 2,814,000
The fear-mongering all points to the election.
As more of this declassification is revealed, people will realize they knew nothing about certain things. Why didn’t they? Trump knows the power the MSM has and is building optics so those who are still asleep will understand when arrests take place.
Can President Trump’s team just go in and make arrests, now? Isn’t this what justice is about?
When Trump told the American people about HCQ, the media reported it killed people. When Trump told the American people he was taking HCQ, the media did not report his findings. When Trump was admitted to the hospital with COVID, took REGENERON, and told everyone he found the cure, the media went silent. Shouldn’t this be front page news?
If all of a sudden, arrests were made, how would the media report it? Based on recent history, there would be riots, killings and chaos far greater than what we see now. Trump is building the narrative and is slowing informing the people through declass, one after another.
Americans are beginning to understand the depth of the corruption coming from the Swamp. Panic in. D.C.!
‘The X22 Report gives current political daily news.
Please watch or listen to this video for the rest of the report.’
Opinion: JoLynn Live, C-VINE Contributor (Based on Breaking News Reports and Opinions of the X22 Report)
News Posted by: C-VINE Citizen Journalist, JoLynn Live! She is a Singer; a Wife of 36 years; Home-school mom to 10; Grandma to 11; Chicken Farmer; Patriot; and an active C-VINE News contributor.