August 7, 2020
C-VINE vetted
“The dose determines the poison”
People died because of mismanagement of drug dosing protocol during “research”, and a faulty conclusion is the end result.
C-VINE’s own Dr. Koda states, “As I recall, the studies used up to three times the usual dose. Everything, even water, can be lethal at a high enough dose.”
“Other interesting facts: The average COVID death rate per million is 3.75 times lower in HCQ – encouraging countries, compared to HCQ banning/discouraging countries.”
(Photo, Dr. Erik Koda) “Fourteen of the 16 most densely-populated countries in the world (less ability to socially distance), all have a death rate per million more than 4 times lower than in the US, and 10 out of the 16 have death rates at least 10 times lower than the US.”
Another thought for those calling for randomized trials before any conclusions are made: First, randomized trials take years to set up, get approved and then to execute.
Second, they are for the purpose of accurately extrapolating to reality while minimizing the chance of getting a finding that is actually not true.
For the first time in history, we have decent data on the whole world for COVID. The real world is the answer, not a statistical study that hopefully can best mimic reality.
People died because of mismanagement of the drug dosing during research. Our most vulnerable were subjected to contraindicated dosing, leading to their deaths.
What better way, to prohibit the drug’s availability for prescribing by responsible physicians?
Was this by design?
~ Bonnie Nirgude‘
Bonnie Nirgude‘
As a citizen journalist and investigative reporter, I am committed to accurately reporting the news. Wide awake, never asleep, I grew up in a 1960’s patriotic household, aware of the truth behind the false narrative.